Getting rid of the meditation stereotypes and cliche’s | Guided Meditation Online

The 80s and 90s saw the rise of yoga and meditation in America as a mystical and exotic offering. Spiritual gurus from the east flooded the country and tried to kill with their bizarre, expensive, and jumbled-up spiritual products. And it resulted in those who sought or practiced meditation to be marked and defined by … Read more

Meditation helps build family relationships | Guided Meditation Online

Sahaja meditation enables you to harness the healing power of your inner energy to strengthen your mental and physical resilience and improve the personal qualities that foster deeper bonds with loved ones. You will be better equipped to face any challenges that come your way. We all make relationship mistakes from time to time, but … Read more

What does a spiritual mid-life crisis feel like? | Guided Meditation Online

A midlife crisis is a term used in western countries to describe a time of confusion and uncertainty when faced with difficult decisions and questions in life. The path they take from here could determine or destroy their lives and, more importantly, achieve their purpose and fulfillment. But not everyone has a midlife crisis, and … Read more

The power of longer, deeper and slower meditation | Guided Meditation Online

In one of my recent meditation sessions for an online Sahaja audience, I decided to share a routine that I try to follow a couple of times a week. A surprising number of participants in my session contacted me and said that their experience was truly unique and how they experienced a rare, deep silence … Read more