Horoscopes for the Week of May 17th

Jupiter entered Pisces last week, one of the most powerful signs for the planet of plenty to be in. This is a harbinger of good times, a moment of ease, abundance, and even spiritual awakenings.

Yet the world continues to burn. 

It’s almost as if we humans have to embody the principle of Jupiter in Pisces — compassion, generosity, gratitude, and wisdom — ourselves. It’s almost as if the heavens are taunting us to realize that we can’t rely on them to awaken us to the fact that any difference between us is artificial, or at least, superficial and that everyone deserves the right to live, thrive, and be free. It’s almost as if the planets need us to be auspicious signs for them as much as we need them to be for us. 

Jupiter in Pisces gives, but it also asks, what propitiousness are you a sign of yourself?

On Monday, May 17th, as Taurus season comes to a close, the Sun makes a trine to Pluto. The first couple days of the week ask us to take a deeper look at our resources, to know their roots systems, and seek to understand them on more than a surface level. There is a power source here to tap into, one that can help us remember the worth of what we’re working toward. 

On Wednesday, May 19th, Venus in Gemini makes a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. Helping us to firm up a pleasure-filled pursuit or two, this transit gives us a mid-week reminder that if we want it to stick around, love needs our commitment and consistent affirmation.

On Thursday, May 20th Gemini Season begins (at 12:37pm PT). The Sun’s foray into this fresh and frisky sign also officially ushers us into our next eclipse season — in a big way. As soon as Sol enters the twins’ terrain, it makes a rousing square to Jupiter, encouraging us to party like it’s 1999. 

This soiree has many rooms to explore, just don’t get too off course. 

By Saturday, May 21st Mercury enters a long and delirious square to Neptune. This set up lasts and lasts and Mercury slows and slows. Stationing retrograde on May 29th, in an alarmingly tight square to Neptune, the next Mercury retrograde cycle punctuates eclipse season with a !?!. 

Mercury wants specifics: dates, times, and punchlines. Neptune paints a more impressionistic portrait of feelings, moods, and dreams. Squares cause friction and don’t offer solutions. Squares encourage us to take action (think a prickly tag in a new sweatshirt that needs to be cut out immediately). 


Mercury slowing down to station retrograde means that sudden movements are not only tricky, but also unwise to partake in. The anxiety, frustration, or confusion that comes with this setup can’t be escaped; it can only be witnessed by us and worked through to the best of our ability. Assume a lack of much-needed data and make room for the kinds of communication issues that mess with our tech, timetables, calendars, calls, texts, and invites. 

The recourse we do have is getting clearer on exactly what in our lives is muddled. Why might we be tentative or hesitant to be clear, precise, and direct? Why didn’t we set up better systems? Why don’t we take more ownership over what we have responsibility for?

It’s not that we don’t have good reasons for our not-so-helpful actions. It’s that now, it’s imperative to understand what we might be afraid to take charge of, what we are cautious about claiming, and what is in need of our protection. 

Sunday, May 23rd sees Saturn station retrograde. Pulling focus on the commitments we’ve made, or are in the process of making, Saturn’s station is also speaking to something more radical that is taking shape.

Saturn is currently in a square to Uranus. This revolutionary, disruptive, and earth-shattering astrological architecture dominates 2021. Think systems failure, experimental breakthroughs, old guard vs new, and cracks in the most pervasive of our society’s structures. 

The first square between Saturn and Uranus occurred on February 17th. The second will occur on June 14th. The third and final on December 24th, 2021. We could say, ‘buckle up,’ but we might also need to be jostled into a freer, more inventive place. 

After all, another world is possible.  

Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.


Aries & Aries Rising

Before Mercury can dishevel your calendar and communications, the very beginning of the week offers you some material support. As the Sun finishes up its lavish stroll through Taurus, it offers you a business tip to make note of, and maybe even a little bonus added to your check. 

Cash in. 

Considering the shifts that are occurring in your relationship to your resources, what are you learning about the true worth of what you can build with them? Beyond their surface use, when you seek to understand your gifts in their totality, what abundance is more present in your life?

Back to Mercury.

As the messenger settles into a very long square to Neptune late in the week, it also begins to slow down and eventually station retrograde (May 29th). This complicates an already moody Mercury moment. For you, these next couple of weeks will encourage you to be rigorously clear in your emails, texts, and take-out orders. 

It’s not that you won’t send out the wrong calendar invite, work on the wrong document at the right time, or the right document at the wrong time, it’s that doing whatever you can to mitigate the mistakes now saves you a million and one headaches later.  

There may be no such thing as a completely failsafe system, but getting as close to one as possible can safeguard some fairly severe derailments. 

As Saturn stations retrograde on Sunday, it pulls focus on your community roles and the changes that are taking place with friends and within your networks. You need firm boundaries to be truly present, and radical care is only sustainable when you are clear about what is ok for you and what isn’t. 

Stick with your nos and see how they support your yeses.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Taurus & Taurus Rising 

The tail-end of Taurus season helps you unearth a gold-mine of personal potency. Aside from your time-honored talent for being stubborn, the staying power that you get in touch with now teaches you something about longevity and the abundance available when you honor your own growth cycles.   

Take note of what feels like it’s finally flourishing after a long winter of hibernation. 

As Gemini Season gets underway (May 20th/21st depending on your time zone), your resources are set aglow. What is made obvious now is a mixture of blessings and befuddling bank statements (did you really mean to order all those specialty teas?)

As Mercury moves into complicated terrain for the next month and change, it tricks you into paying closer attention to your wallets, pocketbooks, and penchants for miscalculating. More than numbers, Mercury wants you to add up the hours, energy, and effort you need to get the job done. 

Gaining clarity about the personal costs associated with each gig or income stream helps you better manage your time and commitments. As you head into this murky moment, petition Mercury to help you learn these lessons in the least painful way possible. 

More plainly said: track your spending, keep your invoices organized, and get very intentional about the work that supports you on levels that include, and exceed, the material.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

On the eve of Gemini season, you are granted an insight about the deeply transformational nature of your recent healing journeys. While this healing may not be as obvious or as swift as you’d like, the offerings you’ve made at the altars of your growth are adding up. 

The beginning of this week makes you aware of just how informative it’s been to turn over one psychological stone at a time. There’s no rushing inner reconstruction; there’s only being decidedly steady and sweet to ourselves in the process. Give yourself some credit for all you’re able to hold, recognize, and maybe even begin to repair. 

As the rest of the week, and Gemini season unfolds, you get to experience a revitalization. Far from uncomplicated, this rebirth will become a portal for you to find your way through. Full of defining insights, decisions, and opportunities, the upcoming Mercury retrograde and solar eclipse (both in Gemini) impact you more than most.

Be on the lookout for the more fated moments and circumstances that cross your path and the ones that seem to appear out of thin air. This is no straight and narrow trail, however. Your next couple of weeks bring a deluge of derailing distractions and opportunities to get clear on what your priorities are, and which communication issues you should tackle next. 

Come this week’s end, Mercury enters a very long square to Neptune. Under this influence, reality becomes stranger than fiction. Keep your receipts and refrain from sending the texts you know will incite unhelpful responses. When in doubt, let the cat have your tongue.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

Beginning with a powerful reminder of how healing and regenerating it is to spend time with friends that can go ‘there,’ this week steers you towards the depths. 

Having an accomplice helps heaps.

Knowing we aren’t alone in our human struggle, even when we have to go it alone into our personal dragon’s lair, helps us understand that we are on a quest that is entirely human. In fact, reckoning with our inner Orcs is a prerequisite for understanding our gifts, talents, and life’s purpose. 

As the Sun joins Mercury, Venus and the north node in Gemini, you are given an up-close and personal tour of your inner escape artist and self-sabotaging bullies. These characters are more complex than they appear, however. 

Interview them, get to know them, give them a chance to explain who they are and why they are there. Whatever is internally gripped, locked, shamed, or held at a distance also contains a source of your vital life energy. 

This is your time to release it.

To help, steer clear of philosophies that espouse being above your worts and all. Stay connected to those that have been on a similar journey of self-discovery and not only lived to tell the tale, but became better humans as a result. The mirrors that reflect the most unflattering angles of your persona reveal both a trick and the truth. 

Over the course of the next few weeks, you’ll be asked to witness how you’ve been taught to betray yourself. In the process, you’ll come to know what to reclaim from this wreckage, what to forgive, and what to release.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Leo & Leo Rising

The top of the week brings an interesting insight into your professional sphere. Here to help you understand the depths of your resources, and the power of putting them to use in the right environments, Monday and Tuesday give you ideas about how to fertilize your projects and offerings to the world.

Do what you can to help them take root. 

As Gemini season settles in, friends and their needs pull you to both party and press pause. There’s good reason to celebrate, but there’s also a strange tone to the conversations that are swirling around you, like a slightly off-putting laugh. You may be tuning into the issues that lay just beneath the surface of your platonic sweethearts. 

We never really know what’s going on with others until we ask about the insides of each other’s lives. Our interior experience rarely aligns with what we externally portray. Dialing into these dialogues can be helpful, but avoid taking on the not-yet-processed psychological gunk of those around you. 

With eclipse season percolating on the periphery, what is usually relegated to the shadows flies forth. You can know that the feelings present for you or others are valid; however, when behavior is anything but, friendships get fragile. Don’t let the little miscommunications get the best of your exchanges, but do pay attention to what other people’s actions are saying.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

As Taurus season comes to a close it offers you a deep truth to ponder. Given that we are entering a moment full of Mercury-type messiness (communication SNAFUs, scheduling conflicts, and general life-headaches that slip and slide into full-blown situations), what about your long-term travels, plans, paths, or studies feels firm?

Stay with the scenarios that situate you in a position of great perspective. This moment requires a wide angle lens. 

As Gemini season settles in, your career gets highlighted. With some of your public roles dissolving, others are revealed. This might feel confusing, or even surreal to those looking from the outside in, but only you know what the right actions are. 

Create your career from the inside out. 

Because your public or professional messages are more likely to get misconstrued, or relayed at a time where they are prone to get lost in the shuffle and scuffle of the day, take your time when making your point. 

Be willing to delay pressing send on your newsletter when your spidey senses say so, and edit your turn of phrase anytime you get feedback that you’re being unclear. Getting to the point is a process right now, but one you want to be unafraid of and deliberate about being in.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.

Libra & Libra Rising

As Taurus season comes to a close, you get a parting gift. Whether it’s a material offering or an otherwise energetic boost, you’re well-situated to receive a resource you have been in need of. 

Invest it wisely. 

As the winds of Gemini season pick up, you’re more likely to feel the breeze as an invitation that beckons you out of stifled spaces and into the wide open ones. Seeking adventure is your soundtrack right now, and although there is most likely much encouragement to go the extra mile, there are also a couple red flags, or herrings, as it were. 

Getting distracted, derailed, and held up by misinformation, malfunctioning GPS systems, and second thoughts is par for this course. 

One way to work through the upcoming Mercury mess is to seek your information from the inside out. Attuning to what you know you need, refusing to go above your own personal speed limit and staying true to your north star will save you much retracting and retracing. 

Whether or not meditation is a mainstay, or ritual is a daily practice, this is an excellent time to petition the gods, mainly Hermes, for help, protection and guidance.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

As Taurus season comes to an end, your sweethearts, partners, or clients come to you with an offering to transform some lead into gold. Alchemical work can only be done in the sturdiest of containers. For now, what becomes clear is that your unions feel the richest when you build them from solid ground.

Growth depends on our ability to adhere to its needs and to support, rather than demand an outcome. 

As the winds of Gemini season pick up mid to late week, you’re reminded of how important it is to count and keep tabs in your collaborations. It’s not that you need to do so out of a lack of trust for whomever you are in partnership with, though maybe that’s true too. It’s that you are learning something pivotal about the ins and outs of your resource flow. 

The time, energy, and talent you offer a collective project needs to add up to a reciprocal, if not overflowing, exchange. If it’s going to be sustainable it has to be set up well — if not from the beginning then as soon as possible. 

As Mercury moves into murky territory, it tells you all the ways you’ve been leaking your assets and also how to shore them up. Protecting your energy sometimes starts with the most practical of practices. Check your invoices, bank statements, and keep your receipts. You’ll need them later, and you’ll learn a lot from studying them now.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

As Taurus season settles the bill, you get noticed for the efforts you’ve put in. There’s a finesse that you’ve developed for flipping certain tables in your professional life. Right now, that talent is garnering you some deserved attention, or at least much-needed resources. Whether this involves a grant, a raise, or well-timed praise that opens more doors, it’s generative to say the least. 

Share of your abundance. 

With the wind (and fog) of Gemini season settling in mid to late week, you get some important intel on the trust issues that impact your relationships. It’s not that you don’t have reason to be wary of certain people or dynamics, it’s that your time is best spent trusting you have those hunches for a reason, then figuring out how to act accordingly. 

Knowing that you don’t feel comfortable with someone or some setup is enough reason to pause. Practice protecting your energy instead of exploiting it to make others comfortable. Attune yourself to the information you get about who to partner with and whom to veer away from. 

When others come off as confused, unsure, or unwilling to claim their agency, slow down before signing the dotted line. It may be a temporary halt, but it’s one that can and will save you precious time, energy and backtracking.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

As the Sun finishes its show on Taurus season’s stage, it reminds you how deep of an imprint your creative prowess can make. Wanting to manifest your talents into offerings that have staying power is just part of your DNA. This week you get to witness a project’s evolution in a way that affirms your ability to do so. 

Take it to heart.

As Gemini season swiftly shifts focus, you turn your attention towards the professional issues that need it most. With a mix of success, big wins, and weird outcomes, this week offers you a crash course on project management (though yours may feel anything but managed). 

In a somewhat compromised position, Mercury is about to spend the next three weeks pointing out all the ways you could dare to be more direct. This will be presented to you in a flurry of presentations that could be titled, “What Not To Do.” 

As long as you refuse to get caught in the fray, you’ll be ok. However, getting blown about like a kite in a storm of other people’s mistakes, or your own lack of patience, mindfulness, or thoroughness can wreak havoc on your health. Certainty may be a train that runs on an unreliable schedule, but you can always slow down enough or pause completely in order to catch up with it.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

As Taurus season makes the bed and prepares to saunter out of the house, you get a glimpse of just how restorative this little rest stop has been. Coming out of hibernation is a slow process, but one that you are making progress with this week. 

The arrival of Gemini season switches things up, and then down, and the back, and then forth. With intoxicating forays into new pleasure-centers, creative endeavors, and pastimes that thrill, you might not get as much done as you had hoped, but fun will be had.

And your sunglasses will get lost. 

However, with Mercury moving into deeply complicated territory for the next couple weeks, be wary of the good times that tax your system a little too much, the lovers that take more than they give, and the escape routes that act more like trap doors. 

Falling down is all part of the creative learning process, but once you know the faults in the floorboards, better to scoot around them than hope they magically support you this time around. 

As Saturn stations retrograde on Sunday, it sends a message or two about taking responsibility for your energy. Where you place yourself matters. Frequent the rooms that keep you lit up.

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

As the Sun sets on Taurus season, you get a piece of good news, a note of affirmation, or an insight about who is ready, willing and able to help. Early in the week, follow up on any leads you get, and make sure not to postpone important meetings.

Trust that you don’t want to schedule things any later than you have to.

As Gemini season whooshes in, signals get lost and wires get crossed. The next few weeks bring many a missed text, poorly worded email, and confusing conversation to try and decode. For you, this happens mainly at home, with those you share an abode with, or with those you call family. 

Deepening your awareness about the communication issues you inherited from caregivers, parents and elders also informs you of the reasons why it might be hard to get your needs met. Investigating the truisms you inherited, the attitudes you absorbed, and the paradigms you were brought up in helps you read what’s always been written in-between the lines.

With Jupiter now in Pisces, this is easier than normal. Self-acceptance, personal growth, and a desire to make amends flourishes under this influence. It’s time for healing. It’s time for making peace with what has transpired. It’s time to grow past the limitations placed upon you in your youth, or by the circumstances you grew up in. 

Jupiter has entered Pisces. Work with all this abundance on the CHANI app.

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