About today
1 Timothy 1: 15-17. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever – Psalm 112 (113): 1-7. Luke 6: 43-49.
Whoever hears me builds his house on a rock
I struggle with my flawed nature sometimes. Why do I keep making the same mistakes? When will I ever have it all together? I am comforted that St. Paul faced similar problems. It is wonderful to see how God can use our mistakes to build His kingdom if we allow it.
Today’s gospel speaks of the wise and foolish builders. How easy it is to base our values, beliefs, and self-esteem on sand rather than rocks. We live in an age of comparison culture. I’m constantly tempted to build my self-image on the quicksand of other people’s Instagram posts. Why do I never measure?
When I turn to prayer and the scriptures, I find a solid foundation. Help me, Lord, always build on stone.
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