Thursday 24 June 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

John the Baptist

Isaiah 49: 1-6. I praise you for I am wonderfully made – Ps 138 (139): 1-3, 13-15. Acts 13: 22-26. Luke 1: 57-66, 80.

John prepares the way for Jesus

The story of John the Baptist will always exist in the shadow of Jesus, but he is more than a minor character. There was a family relationship between them, a relationship as fellow preachers among the Jewish peoples and, of course, his special role in the baptism of Jesus. John plays a vital role in preparing the way for Jesus.

As we ponder his story today, we look at the various aspects of our own relationship with Jesus – as children of God, witnesses of the Good News, servants among God’s people, sinners in need of salvation, and in many other ways our lives overlaps with that of Christ. How can we build on each of these aspects of our relationship to draw closer to Jesus in our lives?

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