5 Powerful Prayers for Your Kids Whether They’re 5 or 50

Many parents today worry about their children. Whether their children are toddlers, teenagers, or adults, concerns are great. One of the best gifts we can give our children, young and old, is prayer. As parents and grandparents, we have received a sacred privilege; the privilege of prayer. When we combine the privilege of prayer with the power of God’s word, the results are simply amazing.

Why Pray the Scriptures for Your Children?

We are in a battle. The world is a dark place and the enemy has targeted your children. But God gave us weapons to fight back. Scripture is called the Lord’s sword (Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12). When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, he used the sword to fight back. For every temptation the enemy hurled at him, Jesus quoted Scripture back. He used the sword of the spirit as a weapon of attack. If you dare to pray the Bible over your children, defend yourself like Jesus and the Holy Spirit will honor those prayers. You will experience miracles in your children’s lives that you never thought possible. It is not a special magic formula, it is a God-given method of waging war.

How does it look like praying the Bible for your children? Here are 5 powerful prayers rooted in the scriptures to get you started. I also suggest that you choose some specific scriptures and write down your own personal prayers for your children.

1. Pray that they will be given wisdom to know Christ better.

Precious Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are the God of all wisdom. I now pray for __________________ (your child’s name) that you fill them with the wisdom to know you even better. I repeat the prayer you prayed in the garden so that they may know God personally and recognize that he has sent you as his Son so that they may have eternal life. Oh father, I pray that their hearts will turn to you to receive your love and forgiveness. I pray that they not only know you with head knowledge, but that they know you from experience in the deepest part of their heart. Fill them with a desire to know you more deeply, just as the apostle Paul passionately prayed that he would know you and the power of your resurrection more deeply. Draw them into deeper fellowship with you. Help them realize that in order to see the power of new life in Christ, they must put down their desires in favor of yours. Help them understand better what it means to be crucified with Christ and yet fully alive in Him. May they be so drawn to you that as they continue to grow, they will want more of you in their life. Guard her heart, I pray (Ephesians 1:17, John 17: 3, Philippians 3: 8-10, Galatians 2:20).

2. Pray that they will know the hope to which they are called.

Oh saint, we live in a world full of hopelessness. So many are lost in depression and a spirit of defeat. Thoughts of suicide increase. Lord, I raise __________________ (your child’s name). Fill them with hope, joy, and peace. Father God, I pray that through the power of your Holy Spirit you will fill them with hope. When waves of despair or discouragement descend upon them, may they remember the hope to which they are called. May they trust you knowing that you will support them. Father, help them remember that the plans you have for them are to flourish and not harm them. You have plans to give them hope and a future while they trust you. Day after day, fill the hope that comes only from you. May you be full of anticipation as you ponder what you might achieve through you in the future (Romans 15:13, Ephesians 1:18, Jeremiah 29:11).

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3. Pray that they will be rooted and strengthened in love.

O Lord God, may __________________ (your child’s name) know for sure how much you love her. May their roots grow deeper, knowing that they are yours. May you feel valued and secure as a beloved child of God. May they know without a doubt how much you love them. Root and anchor them in this certainty, I pray. May they know so deeply that they are able to walk through life with a deep, fundamental certainty. I pray that they know that they are your unique creation, destined to do good works for which you have prepared them. May they stand firmly in their identity as children of God in the days to come (Ephesians 3:17, Ephesians 2:10).

4. Pray that their faith will be strengthened.

Lord God, I pray that __________________ (your child’s name) will no longer be tossed around with every new wind of theology. I pray that they will not be fooled, but will instead see the truth of your will. I pray that they will grow to full maturity in Christ, firm and strong in their faith, so that they can stand firm when surrounded by false teachings. I pray them to the Word of God and may they learn to search for the truth in the scriptures. Have them hold on to Christ’s central position in all areas of life. I pray that they will remain bound to the body of Christ by being actively involved in the local church. I pray that when disillusionment comes, your Holy Spirit will focus on the perfection of Jesus. Surround them with loving, loyal, godly friends who will walk with them. –Ephesians 4:14, Romans 10:17, Proverbs 13:20.

5. Pray that they will be covered in the armor of God.

Saint, I pray that __________________ (your child’s name) will be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. I pray the full armor of God over them. Lord, I know that their battle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities and the forces of darkness. Lord, I know that Satan’s activity will increase as we near the second coming of Christ. I pray that they will remain strong and firmly rooted in the scriptures. I pray that the belt of truth will encircle your thoughts. I pray that your righteousness surrounds their hearts. Holy Spirit, I ask that the gospel of peace be on the way with you. I pray that your fidelity is a shield around them. I pray that the helmet of salvation will protect their thoughts, that they will remember who they belong to – Jesus Christ the Righteous. I pray that they will learn to use the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, to defend themselves against any plans of the enemy. I praise you that you hold __________________ (name of your child) in your hand and that nothing can separate you from your love! (Ephesians 6: 10-17).

I hope these short prayers have been helpful. Here’s what I know: Whether your children are 5 or 50 years old, they need your prayers. Whether you have children of your own or you know children, they need your prayers too. Dare to become a prayer warrior. When you pray God’s Word, you can be sure that you are praying according to God’s will. Watch and see what God will achieve. Remember that a change can take a VERY long time. It is possible that you will not see answers to your prayers in your life. However, we know that God hears and honors biblical prayer. So stay true! Now is not the time to retire. Now is the time to go on the offensive by kneeling down on spiritual ground for your children.

Photo credit: GettyImages / ThitareeSarmkasat

Head shot of the author Becky Harling
Authentic. Passionate. They all describe Becky Harling in a witty and biblical way. As a bestselling author, Becky is a popular speaker at conferences, retreats, and other events. She is the author of 11 books including How to Listen for Your Children to Speak, Psalms for the Anxious
Here's how to listen to make your children speak Heart and the extraordinary power of praise. Becky is a certified trainer on the John Maxwell team and an experienced Bible teacher. You can connect with Becky at www.beckyharling.com, www.harlingleadership.com, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/beckyharlingminstries, Twitter, @beckyharling or on Instagram at Becky Harling

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