About today
St. Camillus of Lellis
Exodus 3: 1-6, 9-12. The Lord is good and merciful – Ps 102 (103): 1-4, 6-7. Matthew 11: 25-27.
Take off your sandals because the place you stand is sacred ground
We stand on holy ground, even if we sometimes don’t recognize it as such. We stand on holy ground every time we hold the hand of someone who is injured, every time we wipe a tear away from a child, every time we speak out against injustice or encourage someone to have their story heard. Every time we make a decision to put aside our own comfort or ego, every time we respond to someone’s needs, every time we listen to the soft, silent voice of God. Holy ground is all around us. May we kick light enough to notice when we are on sacred ground and stop to bow in awe and take off our sandals.
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