Affirmation Horoscopes for the New Moon in Leo

While every new moon is a reboot, this trip to the powder room feels especially on time. The usual mirth and rococo of Leo season have been dented by the recent glaring contest between the Sun and Saturn. This week though: Saturn has consented to step out of our light — at least for the time being.

The week begins with a reviving trine between Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus on August 2nd/3rd. If Virgo were a hotel, Venus rates it 3 stars and leaves a detailed review on all the ways it didn’t meet the God/dess’ expectations. The bathrobes weren’t plush enough; the detergent left a rash; the jacuzzi was out-of-order, and no one left chocolates on the pillow.

Uranus in Taurus, though, offers that kind of electric surprise that rustles you out of a bad mood. In the earth sign of Taurus — Venus’ country estate, no less — Uranus’ influence on Venus is invigorating. Sometimes we need a little destabilizing to snap us out of a funk.

Mercury in Leo will square Uranus on August 3rd, followed by the Sun’s square to Uranus on August 6th. These wake-up calls may feel less welcome, with news that takes an extra minute to integrate. The fixed signs of our chart prefer to stay uninterrupted, but this is a year of interruptions, and to some extent you might be used to it by now.

Rather than adding new problems, the chafing between Mercury and the Sun with Uranus helps illuminate the rust and rubble left by past collisions. While more information may burble to the surface, the truth is always helpful to know. Only when everything is on the table can you truly start rebuilding.

The Leo new moon on August 8th offers a much-needed refresh. The 15 days between full moon and new moon offers a period of sloughing, where we witness Luna shed a layer of clothing every night until it fully vanishes. Thus, every new moon is a rebirth of the light.

After the recent opposition to Saturn, the Sun and Moon in Leo could use this light more than ever. What renaissances are you hosting in the Leo corner of your chart? How can you claim, honor and sturdy this flame?

Your New Moon horoscopes are written affirmation-style and are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.


Aries glyph

Aries & Aries Rising

When plots swivel, or information comes from left field, I absorb it into my creative process. Like a jar of sauerkraut that cultivates its funk by alchemizing the ambient bacteria, I let life’s adjustments change me. Despite the roadblocks and roundabouts, or not-so-scenic detours, I take notes.

I remain open to the fact that even unpleasant or painful experiences inform my evolution. They may even provide fodder for my great work. When criticism emerges, I get curious about areas for growth, yet I am careful about what feedback I internalize. I know that none of these red lines, or red lights, reflect my value. They simply redirect my path.

With tis new moon, I begin the projects, manuscripts, and love affairs that make my heart spark. I bless ongoing works with new flushes of life, fresh chapters and second chances. I don’t over-prescribe what these seeds might unfurl into. The magic lies in their potentiality — not their ending.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Taurus glyph

Taurus & Taurus Rising

If I could control everything about my body, I would be refusing its magic as a living organism. The fact that we change is proof of our vitality, and that is one wellspring of power I refuse to rein in. With every act of love, art, and pleasure, I discover new crannies of myself — new edges to explore, nurture and touch.

I don’t owe anyone an explanation or an apology for the singular ways I exist in this world, but I do leave a trail of roots. However tender my family life feels at the moment, I embrace this opportunity to assess how I feel, and what I need to feel sturdy from my particular patch of earth.

I have agency over the ways I craft belonging in the world. Whether that’s tracing the tendrils of my root system, or rewriting family mythologies, or identifying new people who feel like home: I am not beholden to anyone else’s decisions, mistakes, or good intentions. I choose where to light my hearth.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Gemini glyph

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Words have power. I witness it when an unsolicited compliment lights a torch through my day, or when a careless comment still stings hours later, or in the justice system, where people are paid to parse and push and bend the words that comprise our laws. I possess my own dexterity in these arts, yet I welcome every opportunity to understand the trails my words make.

With this new moon, I recognize my words as threads of connection. Every text, every conversation, every DM illuminates the lacework of my community. Like a spider’s web, my words can be both a work of art and a home. This new moon illuminates the fresh ways I dwell inside language. I get discerning about how I dispense my words so I can remember their magic.

Language, like our energy, is a renewable resource, but we do need to recharge now and then. We do need to unplug, cleanse the blue light from our eyes, and snooze. From this more rested place, I cast my spells, prayers and poems. I find the reserves to connect with the humans I choose.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Cancer glyph

Cancer & Cancer Rising

With this new moon, I unlearn the myth that safety involves not-changing. When new information adjusts the contours of my security: I sit with that uncertainty. I ask what it can teach me.

I know that I cannot control every turn my life takes, because I choose to weave my life with other people. The risk of not living in a self-sustaining silo is that people or situations may surprise me. No matter how meticulously I plan, how vigilantly I stock my cupboards with tinned ravioli, how adroitly I balance my books or tend my monthly budget: life happens.

With this new moon, I celebrate the fresh starts and new chapters in my relationship with material security. Beginnings always offer cause for celebration, and with the lumpiest of Leo season now behind me, I show up with my party hat. Necessity may or may not be the mother of invention, but it certainly makes me more resourceful.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Leo glyph

Leo & Leo Rising

With this new moon in Leo, I light the candles on the cake of my personal renaissance. Like pencil lines scratched on a door frame to measure my growth, I leave a trail of change, of “not quite,” “not yet” and “almost.” With this new moon, I celebrate my “almost.”

The word potent dwells in the word potential for a reason: I am strongest and most alive when I have more growing to do. When I have more heights to reach, more plans to hatch, more change to absorb and learn from.

Right now, the disruption and leveling up I am experiencing in my career is part of my own heroic quest. It may float some turbulence in my direction, but like the cat-brethren for which Leo is named, I have a way of landing on my paws. Not only that, I strut away from the wreckage with my mane intact, tail held primly in the air.

Yet it’s okay if I’m not always camera-ready.

This new moon is a call to nurture the seeds I most want to harvest in my life. To bushwack my way, not to a final destination, but to the trailhead of my own odyssey or pilgrimage.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Virgo glyph

Virgo & Virgo Rising

With this new moon, I remind myself that sleep is more than a beauty rest. Like road repair workers who emerge at night after the highways have emptied, my neurons wait for me to sleep before they reconstruct my cells’ nuclei. When sleep eludes me, I find other ways to rest. I seek non-digital surfaces for my eyes to rest on. I nap.

While some of my learning comes from books, or teachers, or courses of study, I open myself to the wisdom of unseen realms. I track my dreams for their messaging. I consult my tarot cards, my scrying stones, but I don’t forget the wisdom of my own instincts, unadorned. When emotions prickle to the surface: I note these responses as trustworthy data.

With this new moon, I honor my spidey senses. I give myself the rest I need to not make werewolves out of shadows, but to trust my inherent knowing. I also strive to identify the wisdom that helps me grow, even if it doesn’t register on anyone else’s curriculum.

I define which rules I live by.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Libra glyph

Libra & Libra Rising

No one ever said sharing my life with other humans would be easy. Even the most besotted egos have a way of clashing, or preferring different genres on Netflix, or contrary flavors of ice cream.

With this new moon, I remind myself that my relationships change me, even if I also have decision making power. Like a memory foam pillow, or a pair of jeans that graphs to the contours of my booty — I absorb the give and take of my collaborations.

When the tectonic plates of my joint-ventures shift, my friends, covens and communities feel the tremor. They offer an abundance of hands to grip onto, a huddle of ears to whisper into, a cacophony of opinions to help me analyze the situation. I don’t have to listen to all of them.

With this new moon, I witness the births and rebirths of the friendships that hold me. When the container fluctuates, or splits open, I get curious about what gold I might paint in the cracks. I know that a sign of a healthy plant is that it eventually needs to be repotted, and I’m okay to get my hands dirty.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

No job I’ve ever held has been a misstep. No worldly role I’ve ever performed has been a waste of time. No matter where it all got me, it’s exactly where I need it to be.

There are no mistakes.

Like a sleuth, I scan my career highlights and rock-bottoms, knowing that each peak and valley have been an invitation to know myself more intimately.

Life isn’t supposed to be easy — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t thrilling.

When I stop living by any kind of prescribed formula, when I throw everyone else’s rule book out the window, and when I listen to the call of my untamable spirit, I get it right.

Every time.

If I’m supposed to be somewhere else, doing anything else, my intuition will tell me. Until then, I do what I can with what I have. More is on the way.

With this new moon, I ask for the courage needed to follow my own path, carving it out one breath, one heartbeat, one intuitive nudge at a time.

There couldn’t be a more perfect set-up for me than the one that I have to work with. I waste zero time doubting that and I spend all my energy feeling grateful for this fact and attuning to the reasons why it is true.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

I break all moulds that I’ve been told to pour myself into. I outpace the ideologies that tell me to play small, stick to the script, or stay in the lanes made for people-pleasing.

I am only interested in pleasing Gods that govern unabashed joy and uncompromising accountability — all others get no alms, altars, or offerings from me.

I sacrifice my shame in exchange for renewal. I offer up my expectations in exchange for the Universe’s dream for me. I know that being inundated by the world’s small-mindedness limits my ability to unfurl into the expansiveness of my spirit.

My meditations are my escape clause.

With this New Moon, I attune myself to what my spirit wants, needs, and yearns for. No matter how terrifying it is to seek it out, this soul-food is the only thing that will satiate my hunger.

There’s no faking, cheating, or lying my way to my own liberation.

When it comes to choosing which way to go, I know that no one has directions for me, no one is coming to save me, and I have everything I need to get where I’m going. If I need light to go by, I rely on the one I have within.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Whether the exchanges of my life leave me feeling energized or drained, soothed or stressed, centered or off-kilter, it’s my work to tally up the end results. I can’t do business if I don’t know my bottom line. I’ll never know the power of my contributions  if I’m not honest about my losses.

It’s not about what looks good on paper, it’s about what feels right for my life.

If fool’s gold gives me a rush I can’t resist, I’ll chase sparkly things until the end of time. If I’m impressed with the trappings of fortune but unaware of the dangers of living a shallow life, my potential will be trapped in the world’s kiddie-pools.

I yearn for the collaborations that unleash my creativity and help me heal from the idea that I’m too much or too little, too under or too over, too tender, or too high in my standards to meet my match. I’m not meant to merge talents, assets, and resources with just anyone.

I just need the right ones.

Knowing who to join forces with helps me make the most and then some out of my gifts. I’m here for reciprocal optimization and nothing less.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Aquarius glyph

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

It takes courage to love. It takes an unwavering commitment to the truth to be able to show up for each inch of the process. It takes a lifetime to understand the ins and outs of anyone’s heart, let alone my own.

Good thing that is the exact amount of time that I have.

If I need a little space, I give it to myself. If my partners need a little more understanding due to the changes they are going through, I give it to them. I know that if we are going to be a success together, we have to be radically honest about the needs of everyone involved.

Veracity is love’s miracle-grow.

With this New Moon, I remember that partnership can look like freedom, taste like heaven, and feel like fireworks when everyone has permission to be themselves.

There really is no other way.

If I love them I send them on their way. I let my partners know that they have a home in my heart but only their absolute desire to be there will unlock its door.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

Pisces glyph

Pisces & Pisces Rising

I don’t waste time arguing with life — the world turns with or without my approval. The sun rises with or without my applause.

Nature just does it’s job. So I do mine.

My crown doesn’t get tarnished just because the work is sometimes laborious. I don’t need things to be my way or the highway.

My work is to lead.

No matter the upheavals, calendar changes, or system updates that leave the entire office in a kerfuffle, I am in charge of guiding myself through the ups and downs. With this New Moon, I roll with the rocky and reset my schedules so that there’s room for me to create, experiment, and innovate.

Given the tools I have at my disposal, I could get the job done a thousand different ways — I make it a priority to choose the ones that energize me. I leave space for my muses to meander around my desk, following their lead if I am lucky to receive a visit from them.

I do my best to encourage the leadership of everyone else I work alongside. I am at my best when those around me are too. We are far more luminous together than we are apart.

This week, Uranus doles out surprises and the New Moon in Leo renews courage. We’ve got you covered with a guided meditation and journal prompts on the CHANI app. Android users click here.

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