Evangelist Robin Bullock: Joe Biden’s Whisper is the “Voice of a Demonic Spirit” | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist

Self-described “prophet” Robin Bullock was on a Satan’s tear recently, claiming that President Joe Biden has a “snake eye” (which is apparently a sign of demonic possession) and that there was a sign of the devil on stage at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

His latest attempt to link Democrats and Satan? Joe Bidens … whisper.

He played a clip from one of Biden’s campaign rallies last year in which he half-jokingly whispered, “I’m coming for you!” Then he played another clip of Biden making the same ASMR-like whisper as he was asked why he had not reversed certain sanctions by Donald Trump; he leaned into the microphone and answered reporters, “120 days. Give me a break. I need time. “Then Bullock played a more recent clip in which Biden responded to a question about when his infrastructure bill was going to move forward by saying, in the same manner, with a close-up microphone,” I have ” [the American people] So far $ 1.9 trillion in relief. “

Bullock says that playful whisper – a normal biden tic for anyone who regularly watches them speak – is actually demonic.

Self-proclaimed “prophet” Robin Bullock says that when President Joe Biden whispers, he is really channeling “the voice of a demonic spirit.” pic.twitter.com/bnqY3G9Uch

– Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) July 2, 2021

… everyone in the liberation service … [anyone] anyone who deals with demonic spirits or evil spirits will know this sound. Anyone who has ever been liberated should know this sound. You know exactly what you are hearing. While the press says it’s a whisper, anyone who’s ever been on the Liberation Service knows what it is. It’s the voice of a demonic spirit.

No, it’s a whisper. It’s a rhetorical flourish. It’s not complicated. The repetition of the idea that people in service “know this sound” no longer makes the claim valid.

Bullock could easily criticize Biden for his policies. Progressives do it all the time! But if he goes about his way, if he tries to speak differently to make a point, it suggests that Bullock has run out of ways to stir up fear in a base that relies on them for motivation.

(via right wing clock)

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