Friday 2 July 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Day of repentance

Genesis 23: 1-4, 19; 24: 1-8, 62-67. Thank the Lord that he is good – Ps 105 (106): 1-5. Matthew 9: 9-13.

May we have faith to follow

Here, towards the end of Abraham’s life, we see one of the main reasons that, despite his many faults, he is viewed as a model of faith. In a sense, Abraham, who had left his family decades earlier for the land he was promised, would have been entitled to be amazed at asking for land to bury his wife. He probably did not expect a quick rise to political power, but one can imagine that he would own at least part of the promised land. In the face of this apparent failure, however, he does not question the God who called him to this strange land. Instead, we see him taking steps to protect his son from the knowledge of the gods of his own youth so that he will not be tempted. May we have such faith as to follow without seeing.

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