Horoscopes for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Eclipse season is upon us. It’s time to contend with our personal dragons, face a shadow or two, make quantum leaps and quick switches, experience personal power surges, and make minor adjustments that lead to major epiphanies.  

The first eclipse of 2021 is a total lunar eclipse on the south node of the Moon in Sagittarius. It takes place on May 26th at 4:14 am PT. Total eclipses act like an energetic reboot to the system — but we have to power down before the switch can get flipped back on. 

With the light of the Moon obstructed, the body feels the impact the most. These are good days to rest, or at least, listen to what your physical systems are saying to you. Eclipses on the south node bring a clearing, an emptying out, and a cleansing. Think of this eclipse as an unclogging of sorts. 

Eclipses occur in a certain sign in clusters. This is the third of four eclipses occurring in Sagittarius between June 2020 and December 2021. This isn’t a new game, but it’s far from over. 

By now, we are used to the impact of south node eclipses in the part of our chart that contains Sagittarius. For the past year we’ve been asked to scale back, energetically exfoliate, and reconsider the repercussions of staying “booked and busy” in the Sagittarius corner of your chart (your horoscopes offer more detail).   

In Sagittarius, the eclipse asks us to rethink the philosophical paradigms we’ve been operating within both personally and collectively. Occurring alongside the reconstructionism of the Saturn/Uranus square, just as last June’s lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, it’s important to note the uprisings that were occurring then, the ones taking place now, and the connections between them.

Dismantling settler colonialism and healing from its horrors will take our lifetime and then some, all the eclipse seasons and Saturn/Uranus squares we can stand, and every effort we can offer. May this one be a defining crack in the walls that have been unjustly erected — internally and externally. 

A few days after the eclipse, on May 29th, Mercury stations retrograde. As Mercury changes directions, it also saddles up to Venus, with both in a square to Neptune. Communications get complicated; fuzzy good feelings abound. But can they be considered a reliable source of data? 

Probably not. 

Best to use this week to slow what we can all the way down. Parse, sort, sift, putter, and pause when needed. What’s urgent should always be prioritized, but right now, everything else can be quieted. Listen inward.

Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.

Aries & Aries Rising

On May 26th, the total lunar eclipse encourages you to cleanse yourself of the beliefs that belonged to a younger version of you. Just like our bodies, our minds need to change as we age.

Over the past year you’ve been asked to rethink a plan, a path forward, or an entire outlook on life. What has been lost, however, has also given way to a great amount of space. Meditate on the potential of this extra room. Refrain from trying to fill it up for fear of feeling empty.

If Luna’s strange light illuminates an unrest within, seek out the spiritual practices that help you gain perspective. 

There is a quantum leap that eclipses can often bring, for you this one has something to do with what you began back in December of 2020 that impacted your life’s purpose, direction, and the ways in which you can create meaning. 

As Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, it asks you to review the ways you get your messages across. If you’ve recently received feedback about your delivery style, take it into consideration — there’s likely a reason you are hearing it now.

A small to large shift in how you deliver data can help your intentions be more in-line with your impact. 

Be especially proactive when it comes to your schedules and timetables. Consider that you might be more prone to forgetting to write things down, underestimating how long something will take, or failing to bake-in time for mistakes and mismanagements. 

Give your calendar all the cushioning you can.  

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.


Taurus & Taurus Rising 

May 26th’s total lunar eclipse sheds its red light upon your shared resources, exchanges, and collaborative processes. An attention grabber to be sure, this alarming illumination spotlights the give and take in your life. 

Take note of what feels unfair, unbalanced, or biased when you’re developing projects in your partnerships. Be mindful of how you may tend to over or under compensate, how you reflexively brace for disappointment, or how you may trust too easily those who haven’t given you reason to.  

Epiphanies about why these dynamics exist, and perhaps even how they are symptoms of something you are ready to work through, abound in this potent eclipse portal. Healing does too. The grief that is released, processed, or at least understood in this reckoning brings quantum leaps of awareness your way. 

Thinking back to December of 2020 can give this moment context. What you began around that time with another, or in regard to your healing process has had a moment to grow into its own. What have you learned when it comes to not holding other people’s baggage for them? 

‘No, thank you,’ is a perfectly appropriate response when others offer what you do not want, need, or did not ask for. Not all gifts are yours to say yes to.

As Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, it asks you to undergo an accounting process of your own. Get your books in order; make understanding your bank balances as important as processing with your besties; and give your resources a moment to replenish themselves. 

There are big downloads coming your way in the next couple of weeks about what to invest in, develop, and what talents are ready to come forth to support you. Until then, take a deep breath and offer your sorrows, expectations, and outdated ways of doing partnership to the fires of 2021’s first eclipse.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.. 


Gemini & Gemini Rising 

May 26th’s total lunar eclipse encourages you to press the reset button on your closest relationships. 

If they last, partnerships go through a multitude of iterations. There is never only one version of a union when growth is prioritized — there’s only the constant process of uncovering more of who we are. 

Intimacy, trust, and time make many things possible.  

This eclipse is an invitation for you to shed a layer. Let an expectation, resentment, or accrued bitterness be sloughed off. Not by force, but by trusting the process you are in and readjusting your loyalties to make sure you remain firmly on your own side. 

It’s not easy to be known by others, but it’s only ever an invitation to be known more intimately by ourselves.  

As Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, you are rethinking your branding, messaging, or stylistic choices. You may be feeling a need to reinvent yourself, get bangs, or give away all your clothes in hopes that a new wardrobe will cure the symptoms that accompany an existential itch.  

Instead of going to extremes, think about the pivots that are perhaps a little less drastic, financially depleting, or that won’t take a month or three of regrowth to fix.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.


Cancer & Cancer Rising

The total lunar eclipse that occurs on May 26th reminds you that less is more. Rather than taking on extra work, right now is a moment to press pause on the kind of success that has you so busy you forget what day it is. 

The remedy you are seeking is rest and the way in which your body calls for it may become increasingly chaotic if you can’t heed its call. Eclipse season is anything but subtle. 

Instead of getting caught in its undertow, go with its flow by restructuring your timetables, chores, and to-do list. It’s time to take delegation to a new level and streamline your timelines. If a set-up doesn’t work for your system, rethink what you are saying yes to and why.  

Looking back at what you began mid December of 2020, how has it grown, changed, morphed, and taught you about your talents? What no longer needs so much of your time, energy and attention? What could bear to be without you? What might actually do better with less of you around?

Be the opposite of a micromanager while refusing to be negligent to what needs you.  

As Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, it begins a three week review of your behind-the-scenes projects and tempts you to log out of ‘real’ life when and where you can. Escape routes are essential. You may as well recognize the moments where you need to actively check out so you don’t do so unconsciously.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.


Leo & Leo Rising

The total lunar eclipse casts a red light over your creative projects, capacities, and talents. It’s time to put some of the projects that you’ve labored over to bed, or at the very least, in perspective. 

If you think back to December of 2020, what creative project(s) did you begin? Which of them are reaching an important stage of their growth now? Which are coming to a close? 

It might be challenging to admit that some things have run their course, but even more so, it can be excruciatingly vulnerable to release your expectations of how and when your creations are received. 

Consider this: if it’s draining you, taking up more time than you’ve got, or making it challenging to get to other things, it needs to be released, reassessed, or reconfigured. This eclipse doesn’t necessarily signal an end, but if that’s what naturally occurs, trust that it’s necessary. 

More is on its way, but the path needs to be cleared for other contenders to reach you. 

As Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, it pulls focus on the friendship dynamics that need your attention and the social obligations that currently feel too restrictive to adhere to. 

You want accomplices to escape with. 

By the looks of it, many invites are getting sent your way in the coming days and weeks — if Mercury lets them arrive. Pay attention to the gatherings that fortify you and the ones that have a glamorous ambiance, but leave you drained or discontented.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.


Virgo & Virgo Rising

The total lunar eclipse lands right in the heart of your life: the part of your chart that corresponds to home, family, and finding solid ground. Where you live, who you live with, and how you build a base is undergoing an adjustment. 

The cleansing this lunation is capable of has you thinking about what closets to clear, what family portraits to reposition, and what you have that’s worth offering future generations. 

If you don’t want to pass it on, perhaps it’s time to let it go. 

With this eclipse, practice the fine art of forgiving yourself for what was never your fault. Study the difference between having actively caused harm and having taken an unfortunate turn because it was the only option open to you at the time. 

Family can be a verb: you don’t have to recreate what was painful enough the first time around. 

As Mercury stations retrograde it sees you rethinking, reworking, and reviewing the ways you show up in the world, are of service, and are a good steward to your talents. 

The lunar eclipse wants you to ground, while Mercury retrograde surveys the landscape of your worldly roles. All in all, it’s an invitation to realign yourself with the work you most want to do in the world and the homebase you need in order to do so.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.

Libra & Libra Rising

The total lunar eclipse whirls through Wednesday, taking your calendar with it. If you have it in you, try not to think of any appointment as set in stone this week. Show up prepared but don’t be dismayed when you’re sent a rescheduling email at a moment’s notice.  

Save your energy.

The power surge that Luna brings creates both instability and opportunity. Flexibility enables you to take last minute calls, invites, and suggestions that can situate you in a more fortunate position. 

Eclipse season helps you hear the truth when it’s talking to you — which it will. Listen closely. 

As Mercury stations retrograde on the heels of the eclipse, it asks you to check your compass. Are you ultimately aiming towards the direction of your dreams, or are you forsaking them for something safer, more akin to what others want you to do, or more recognizable to the masses? 

It may sound dramatic, but this week’s eclipse / Mercury retrograde combination drives home the point that if you’re not following your own north star, you’re lost before you even get going.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Like a cosmic clean-up crew that helps you consolidate your payments, cancel the subscriptions you don’t use, and get in touch with what comes in and out of your accounts, Wednesday’s eclipse is on your side.

Pointing to your material life, progress and potential, this eclipse wants you to take note of the financial growth that you’ve made over the past 6 months. What you began back in December has now grown into something substantial, something that needs your care, attention, and consideration. 

However, just because it’s flourishing on its own doesn’t mean you stop being a steward of it. The eclipse points to the pruning and preening needed in this area of your life: file your receipts and make a plan for how you’d like to cushion your accounts. 

As Mercury stations retrograde over the weekend, you get to take stock of the exchanges in your life that need clarifying. Fool’s gold is cute, but it might not fit the bill for what you need now. 

Depending on others is tricky business, especially now. There will be windfalls that land on your doorstep and days where the arrival of what was promised you is so delayed it’s not worth counting. 

As long as you can stretch your timelines, and expect helpful or unhelpful surprises and last-minute switches, you’ll be able to make the most of this wheel of fortune.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius occurs on Wednesday, May 26th. If there was ever a reason to take a break from being you, this is it. In whatever way you can, toss the many hats you wear aside. Strip down. Don your birthday suit. Celebrate rest and center your renewal. 

This is no time to take on more. 

In fact, in whatever way possible, find gentle exfoliators for your body, mind and soul. Clear out your closets; relieve yourself of the shirt that no longer makes you feel fresh and the pants that crease in all the wrong places. Find extra pockets of time to meander, putter, and peruse your life from the inside out.

Because this eclipse is connected to something that you began back in December of 2020, make note of what has grown, flourished, and taught you about the energy it takes to manifest your creative talents into something substantial. 

Under Luna’s light and shadow, you come to understand what you’ve given and what it’s taken to do so. 

As Mercury stations retrograde over the weekend, the accounting continues. At least for now, this math is about adding up all the ways you love who you love. With Venus in tow, and Neptune offering the perfect aphrodisiac, the party might not be sustainable, but it sure is sweet.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

The total lunar eclipse that occurs on Wednesday is a hump day indeed. Schedule some personal time-off, if possible. Duck out of work early, or at the very least, give yourself twice as much time to get things done as you usually do. 

Use the excess to decompress. 

Coming down is always harder when we’ve been going full-throttle. If that is what this lunation makes clear, don’t take it personally. Sometimes we need a little tough-love in order to understand how much gentleness we deserve. 

Because the blood moon flashes its red light in a part of your chart that rarely gets attention, it will have a tendency to let you know what’s been left neglected for too long. 

Grief, regret, shame, or any manner of repressed emotions can cycle through our systems in the strangest of ways. With no announcement of its arrival, and no agenda once it gets here, we are often left wondering when it will be done with us. Then just as quickly as it comes, it turns tail and leaves. 

Because Mercury stations retrograde on the heels of the lunar eclipse, these brief interludes and psychic disruptions may be especially loud this week. With nothing to do, solve, or fix in response, know that every visit has a purpose; making the unconscious more conscious is the point, the goal, and the gift.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.  

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Wednesday’s total lunar eclipse asks you to clear your social calendar, or at least the invites that you know you’re going to cancel on anyways. Question yourself when making friend-dates with the people you aren’t really that interested in getting to know — at least not right now.

It’s not that there won’t be times to party with strangers or have spontaneous coffee catch-ups with new cuties, it’s just that this moment should be saved for you and/or your nearest and dearest.  

Life-long besties may require more of your time, energy, and expertise or you may be more preoccupied with the fact that your role among peers is shifting. The buddy-system you’ve relied on either isn’t available or it isn’t the thing you need at the moment. 

Instead of feeling alarmed, be wise to the fact that all relationships, platonic to romantic, need room to breathe, ebb, flow, and have moments of minor to major reconstruction. Wherever yours are at, respect the process and seek to serve it as best you can.

As Mercury stations retrograde over the weekend, it reminds you of the fine-tuning your creative projects need. Adjustments are required — some will be internal, some line by line. All the finicky work will be time consuming, but it will also help you to get to the core of what it is you want to express and how to do so with panache.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.


Pisces & Pisces Rising

Wednesday’s total lunar eclipse resets the stage of your public life, career, and calling. Less pomp and circumstance is needed. More room to breathe is required. A fuller version of you can now fill out the scene. 

Relaxation is the key to owning the room and enticing others to receive what you are offering.

This requires you to believe that you not only have what it takes, but that you, unplugged, is enough. Under this shadowy version of Luna’s light, you get to witness any Wizard of Oz tricks you may have thought you needed to wow the crowd. 

Puffed up is no way to play. Give yourself a chance to settle into your talents. 

As Mercury stations retrograde, it asks you to scour the depths of your past for the ideas about what you should be, do, or produce.

Half-baked theories you were fed by teachers, caretakers, and well-meaning but unhelpful sources need to be deconstructed. Use this time to unwind, detangle, and disengage from the truisms that have kept your multitudes bound to a 2D version of you. 

Also, give the part of you that thought it needed all those bells and whistles to get noticed some love, affection, and affirmation.

We’ve got your reading, journal prompts, guided meditation and clearing ritual for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.  

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