Horoscopes for the New Moon in Taurus 2021

The New Moon in Taurus arrives on May 11th at 12pm PT. Ushering in a lush and verdant fresh start, the last New Moon before eclipse season, and an upcoming Mercury retrograde, this is a moment to work with. Packed with the fertilizing powers of the fixed earth sign, the New Moon in Taurus is an invitation we want to accept.

This week also brings us Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces, a profound shift for the planet of plenty. After spending the last 17 months in Saturn-ruled signs, the great benefic comes home. In Pisces, Jupiter is well-equipped to usher in a season of splendor.

Here for a brief stint before a longer stay, Jupiter will only be in Pisces from May 13th – July 28th, not to return again until the very end of the year. Working with this week’s astrology can bring about some good reward, as well as some deeply needed abundance.

Your affirmation-style horoscopes for the New Moon are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.


Aries & Aries Rising

With this New Moon, I make a point of slowing down to witness all the ways in which my life is flourishing. As I plant seeds for future income streams, asset appreciation, and the material boosts I most wish to experience, I ground my attention in the regenerative practices that never fail to cultivate rewards and well-timed teachings. 

This is the time to initiate, not reap. 

I know that letting resources take root is as important as putting them to work in the world, and pondering how my talents can be of service is fertilizer for their future growth. I refuse to doubt what hasn’t had an opportunity to reveal itself. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I remind myself that the dreams I have tucked away, the dreams I have been too trepidatious to let into the light, dream about me too.

They want to come true. 

Instead of shunning my visions and dashing my own hopes, I turn towards them with relentless optimism and compassionately cheerlead them on. What is gestating has serious growth potential. The more I trust its development, the more I can supply it with exactly what it needs next.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 


Taurus & Taurus Rising 

With this New Moon in Taurus, I give myself permission to reset. Renewal is always an option, but in this particular moment, it’s a must. 

As an experiment, I take off all my roles, titles, personas, and perceived responsibilities in order to see what I want to pick back up again. I don’t touch what’s become toxic. I don’t take on what I have outgrown. I don’t concern myself with what isn’t mine to be burdened with. 

Finding clarity about what I want to do, and what I am honestly obligated to see through, makes all the difference. I can’t grow if I am enmeshed in unnecessary mess. Nor will others stretch themselves if I’m always cleaning up after them. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I carry this lesson into my expanding networks and social circles. An outpouring of platonic love is afoot, and a tsunami of good times want to roll, which are all the more enjoyable when I’m not overextended. 

Looking back to 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces, I ponder which social roles I was growing myself into, which communities I was co-creating, and what connections became bridges to bounty in my life. I watch for the similar initiatives that are sprouting now. 

This moment reminds me to prioritize the friendships that know how to center gratitude, reciprocity, and honesty. The people that feel effortless to be around will also know how to work through the hard stuff that comes up. One isn’t possible without the other, and I definitely want both.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 


Gemini & Gemini Rising 

With this New Moon, I let myself seek a little retreat so I can recalibrate. While the soiree of the moment might be all that and then some, I know that seeking temporary refuge when my system gets overwhelmed is a party trick worth practicing. 

In the back rooms of my life there is much to be discovered: hidden talents, resources long-buried, shoots of new growth that I’ve overlooked. I know that unless I am willing to receive all sides of me, the cute to the caustic, I cannot understand the talents that each aspect of me possesses. 

Even in the dankest of wounds there is a raw potential waiting to be claimed. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, the impact on my professional and public pursuits is undeniable. With a refreshed optimism, the worldly events I am a part of refuel me. As I head into my next iteration of growth, I consider what success means to me and make that sentiment my focal point. 

Looking back to 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces, I consider what expansions I experienced and how they taught me about my calling, as well as how to take up space in the world. I know that this moment is related to that one, and that my number one job is to work with it, enjoy it, and see where it wants to take me next.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter Enters Pisces. Work with all this Abundance in the CHANI app. Android users click here. 


Cancer & Cancer Rising

With this New Moon, I nourish the friendships in my life that I want to see flourish. Whether I am a natural at creating social circles, a hermit at heart, or a wallflower with FOMO, I know that if I don’t put effort into growing my community gardens, they won’t have the cross-pollinating power they could.

It takes time to get to know people, but I also know getting to know them is easier when I give them a chance. As I heal from old hurts doled out on the playgrounds of my past, I’m better equipped to register and steer clear of the bullies. I extend myself to the class clowns and the quiet kids waiting to get picked. 

My team is as diverse as it is deep. Cool isn’t a deciding factor when choosing who to bond with, but heart and courage always is. 

I take a cue from the cosmos and examine the philosophies guiding me. If they keep me sheltered from the complexities of life, and learning how to build with others, I reconsider investing any further in them. If they keep me gathering with people that play it small, or don’t push me to cross the thresholds I need to, I rework my social calendars.

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I am reminded that it’s easy to stay smooshed into the little boxes the world has assigned me, but that’s not what life has in store for me. 

If it’s common for me to slip into complacency about what I have been afforded, or tempting to complain about what my life isn’t instead of colluding with what it could be, I work with this moment to find another philosophy to guide me.

Looking back to 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces, I reflect on the educational, spiritual, physical, and philosophical journeys I set out on and where I landed as a result. Whatever helped me to pop out of the matrix then is about to have a sequel. 

I stay close to and study under the red pills that show up as my teachers, guides, and priestesses.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 


Leo & Leo Rising

With this New Moon, I tend to the ground that I build my life’s work upon. I take note of the quality of its soil, the hours of light it receives, and the kind of replenishment it needs in order to seed my dream projects. 

The initiatives I begin now not only have the ability to bring me pleasure, but they also have the potential to grow into gardens of great splendor. I grow professional endeavors with this in mind: if my intuition says something is likely to be a false start, I don’t entertain it. 

I only add my talents to the most satiating of situations. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I look out for collaborations that appear enriching and generative. This is not the time to push a partnership, but instead to look for the ones that organically open up to me and feel energetically expansive and full of possibility. 

When I think back to 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces, I see the parallels between that time and now. What I learned about sharing, growing with others, mutual aid, and receiving what I needed is circling back around. 

I make sure that the abundance I am offered is received with gratitude and a commitment to doing what I can to have it spill over into all my relationships. I let the icing on this cake drizzle down to the plate that catches its pool.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 


Virgo & Virgo Rising

With this New Moon, I give myself permission to set out on fresh journeys. Self-exploration is the aim, but I’m not opposed to seeking far horizons in the process. The educational pursuits initiated now have the ability to bring me a wealth of knowledge as well as an understanding of the contributions I can make to the subject. 

I’m willing to learn how to teach, and teach what I most need to learn. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I become more attuned to the ways I crave connections that expand my philosophies. If wisdom doesn’t  flow through my committed partnerships, my affections tend to dry up. If open-heartedness isn’t central to our union, I’m uninspired to commit. If there isn’t something grand to grow into, I’m less likely to move towards it. 

In order to devote myself to another, I need to know there’s the possibility of abundance on the horizon.  

Considering the opportunities that flowed through my relationships in 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces, I remain on the lookout for the next iteration of collaborative growth. Whatever I learned then about joining forces, being vulnerable, and having faith in the process of partnering, will serve me during this next phase of fullness.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 

Libra & Libra Rising

With this New Moon, I entertain the most generative collaborations in my sphere. If I can envision the future growth of our efforts, I commit. If I can see that possible partners know how to care for their crops, I say yes. If folks seem more interested in the end result than the process, I press pause. 

I know that waiting for the right opportunity is always going to be more lucrative than taking the first one out of a fear that no more will come. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I am reminded of the ways in which my wellness needs to be central in the philosophies that guide me. As work projects, roles, and relationships swell, I seek to understand how I can serve them without losing myself in the process.

I reflect on what I learned about my resources, best practices, and my health back in 2010-2011, when Jupiter was last in Pisces. The awareness that it helped me to develop about my physical needs, sensitivities, and systems, as well as the opportunities for professional development that arose, are circling back around for a redo. 

Healing is central to this journey, so if work projects aren’t ultimately in support of that, the offers they make aren’t really so grand — no matter how much frill and fluff they present with. 

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

With this New Moon, I recount the commitments that I’ve made to others. Little can grow within the containers of my partnerships if I am not consistently keeping up with my end of the bargain. I know that abundance is always possible when I’m in the habit of clarifying the conditions my unions can thrive in.

I’m not here to lift other people’s baggage, but I am all in for sharing the load life doles out. I know that staying receptive to the changing nature of my relationships helps me understand my own evolutionary process. I don’t expect me or us to stay the same. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I make a point of trusting my creative impulses. Drenched in possibilities, the projects I am bringing into being fill my cup and then some. Pleasure becomes paramount in the process. This is a season of release, of expanding into the corners of myself that have been bereft of joy. Sweetness is a sacred and needed practice now. 

I reflect on what I learned through romantic endeavors, following my muses, and bringing my visions to fruition back in 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces. The revelry of that time is circling back around. 

This party has a purpose, and I am here to learn what that is and have as much fun as possible in the process. 

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

With this New Moon, I practice the fine art of planning for my success. When I consider all the ways I am growing, healing, and pursuing the most fulfilling routes, I also consider the ways I should prepare for the inevitable abundance to follow.

If I build it, they will come, and I want refreshments ready for their arrival.  

In my work life I do what I can to construct a firm foundation for my efforts to take root. Being productive means little if I’m not also proactive. My health suffers when I pay no regard to my limits and am too enamoured with the sheer amount of things I can accomplish.  

It is stunning, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t cost me. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I am reminded of the importance of feeling abundant internally. I take my visions for a generative abode to heart. I allow myself to dream about the perfect place to rest, restore, and reset. 

I let myself be unrealistic when imagining a place to call home. This way, I can glean a deeper understanding of what it is I’m yearning for and why. Whether or not I end up in the exact scenario of my vision boards, I know that the process is about my healing: from family fractures, from childhood wounds, and from not getting what I needed in the past. 

I take note of how this process is similar to what happened back in 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces. Circling back to the same need for rooted expansion, I wonder what it is I’ll discover and how it can help me build a base ensouled with a spirit of abundance.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

With this New Moon, I let my muses lead the way. Whether for pleasure or profit, the creative projects I begin now have the ability to grow into opulent outcomes. I do what I can to support their process. Much like tending to a garden, I can’t force a fruit of my labor to come to fruition; I care for my crops and see what is grown from them organically. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces, I get a sense of just how much abundance the right daily rituals can bring into my life. The ways in which I attune to the frequency of prosperity need not be grand or even time consuming. I focus on the spiritual practices that are manageable, repeatable, and easily integrated into my life. 

Every meditation, suffumigation, offering, tarot card pulled, or flower placed upon my altar helps me build my relationship to the divinity in my days. I know that the wisdom inherent in each 24 hours needs to be praised. I know that passing comments can often lead to cracks in my awareness, ending up in a full-throttle flood of understanding.

I stay open to new ideas, keep my notes app on alert, and pen and paper in my knapsack. I reflect on the last time Jupiter was in Pisces, 2010-2011, and remember all the ways in which I was learning to be a teacher, student, and accomplice to the magic that wants to move through my life.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

With this New Moon, I make a sanctuary out of sensual pleasures. I don’t deny my abode, or myself, the adornments deserved. I know that creating a place that houses my dreams also makes way for my potential to become realized. 

My home base contains a cornucopia of delights. 

As Jupiter enters Pisces I think back to the last time it was here, 2010-2011. The lessons that I learned about my gifts, the abundance they brought forth, and the knowledge of how to be supported by them, are returning. 

I remember that synchronicity is always afoot, and true wealth is being in awe of this mystery. I take note of how work seems to fall in my lap at just the right moment. The projects, gigs, and opportunities that arrive now are not only lucrative, but abundant in their teachings of what my talents want to do next. 

In a state of bloom, my resources become more obvious, as do my reactions to prosperity. If it’s foreign to me, I try to help myself hold it. If it gets overwhelming, I remember to ask for help. I know that not every season is so forthcoming with its fruits. 

The rain barrels I put in place now to catch the overflow will help me through the drier seasons that are sure to pass through my life’s weather systems. 

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 


Pisces & Pisces Rising

With this New Moon, I plant the seeds that lead to small pleasures every day. Meditation practices, journal prompts and nourishing routines remind me that what I do regularly delivers big rewards over the long-term. The rituals I prioritize every morning, noon or night are my best self-care strategies. 

This is the perfect moment to grow writing projects, engage in learning journeys, and enjoy new aspects of my neighborhood. Some of the ideas that get cross-pollinated in the process are keepers, so I stay attuned to what wants to stick and develop over time. 

The New Moon is on my side, but more than that, Jupiter wants to help me know myself in fresh ways and expand my horizons in every direction. As the planet of plenty enters Pisces, I have a renewed appreciation for all that is possible at this point in my journey. 

Personal growth is my priority, and although I’ll gain much from this moment, I am also understanding just how much I have to offer. The principle of generosity is the teacher I choose to study under, knowing that what I give myself is just as important as what I can share with others. 

I reflect on the personal growth I experienced from 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Pisces. I see the ways I am enjoying a similar spurt now, but in a whole new way.

This week the New Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter enters Pisces. Work with all this abundance in the CHANI app. Android users, click here. 

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