Monday 19 July 2021 – Daily Prayer

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Exodus 14: 5-18. Let us sing to the Lord; he covered himself with glory – Exodus 15: 1-6. Matthew 12: 38-42.

Jesus offers us the only great sign of the resurrection

“Let us sing to the Lord; he covered himself with fame. ‘ Today’s answer reflects the Exodus event when Moses led his fellow Israelites out of Egypt. It also reflects our Easter liturgy on Easter vigil. Pharaoh’s elite charioteers will drown, but we will live through the death and resurrection of Christ. It is not Moses but the Lord who does this. ‘The Lord has covered himself with glory.’ We all love miracles. We love to read the miracles attributed to the intercession of holy people in the process of their canonization. But do we cry out for these signs like the scribes and Pharisees? Jesus offers us the only great sign of the resurrection. This is the new exodus. Moses’ exodus from Egypt pales in comparison. Through the gift of faith we can experience this “sign” in special graceful moments on our path through life, the reality that awaits us.

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