Saturday 17 July 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Exodus 12: 37-42. His love is eternal – Ps 135 (136), 1, 10-15, 23-24. Matthew 12: 14-21.

His love is eternal

The historical account of the Hebrews who abandoned slavery and bondage in Egypt, true to their belief in the love of God, their trust in God and in whom God sent to challenge Pharaoh, contrasted softly and with Jesus’ fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy without fanfares. Creating discomfort in hierarchy and leadership by healing people, telling the truth, showing love, and ultimately allowing the outcasts to rejoin the community. People could not be silent on this even though Jesus said pss! Thank god the common people recognized the way to the kingdom of God and solved some problems to bake bread without yeast! Their trust in God, in Moses and in Jesus showed a life-giving way of life. In these readings today we see God’s love across generations, millennia of human life, and if we recognize it in our world today, we can appreciate the “eternal”!

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