Saturday 18 September 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

1 Timothy 6: 13-16. Come into the presence of the Lord with joy – Psalm 99 (100). Luke 8: 4-15.

The parable of the sower

But on good ground, it is these who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient perseverance. Whenever I hear this passage from the gospel, I wonder if I am the way, or the rocky ground, or the thorns, or the good ground. Sometimes it feels like I am everything – I hear God’s word but it isn’t always deeply rooted in me or I hear God’s word but it is suffocated by the sorrows, riches, and joys of life. But sometimes God’s word bears fruit – not always immediately, not always externally visible, but slowly germinating in the dark of the ground, slowly and patiently reaching for the nourishing light. The more it grows, the stronger the roots are. And in time the seed will bear fruit. God’s word is faithful and will fulfill God’s plan no matter how long it takes.

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