Sunday 20 June 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Job 38: 1, 8-11. Thank the Lord, his love is eternal – Ps 106 (107): 23-26, 28-31. 2 Corinthians 5: 14-17. Mark 4: 35-41.

Even the wind and the sea obey him

It had been a long day for Jesus. He had taught all day, surrounded by crowds who followed him and sought his help. No wonder Jesus wanted to leave for some rest and peace. He must have been so exhausted that even a raging storm couldn’t keep him from sleeping through the night. As the waves got higher and stronger, the disciples were frightened. In their panic, they woke him up and even accused him of not taking care of her. Is this how we react to Jesus when we experience the stormy times in our lives and are afraid of drowning? Or do we try to control “our” boat all by ourselves? The question for us may be: do we trust Jesus? Do we turn to him when we are in need and know deep down in our hearts that Jesus is always with us?

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