Thursday 15 July 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

St. Bonaventure

Exodus 3: 13-20. The Lord forever remembers his covenant – Ps 104 (105), 1, 5, 8-9, 24-27. Matthew 11: 28-30.

My yoke is light and my burden is light

It seems that there is always a new dilemma to wrestle with on the news. One day it might be trying to decide who to believe in a prominent criminal case; another day it could wrestle with proposed government legislation. The constant need to grapple with these issues can be stressful.

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus promises that those who follow him will find rest from their burdens. It reminds me that while the world may be complex, there is often a way to simplify things by praying to Jesus and asking what is the most loving thing we can do.

Asking this question may not lead me to the most popular or socially acceptable answers, but it does help me manage problems in a way that makes me feel more energetic than exhausted.

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