Tuesday 24 August 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

St. Bartholomew

Apocalypse 21: 9-14. Your friends tell the glory of your kingship, Lord – Ps 144 (145): 10-13, 17-18. John 1: 45-51.

You will see heaven open and the Son of Man

Nathaniel seems like good company. At the beginning of today’s reading we see him making a joke about Jesus: ‘Can something good come from Nazareth?’

Jesus enters the story and there is another fun moment. “There is no duplicity in him,” Jesus says, which is of course amusing considering what Nathaniel has just said.

Good friends are of course not only quick to come up with a joke, they are also quick to have an open ear and are at your side with help and advice if necessary. Nathanael quickly sees what Jesus is and what he asks of him.

Today we thank you for the good company – especially for people like Nathaniel, who know how to pick us up when we are bad.

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