Tuesday 6 July 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

St. Maria Goretti

Genesis 32: 23-33. In my righteousness I will see your face, O Lord – Ps 16 (17): 1-3, 6-8, 15. Matthew 9: 32-38.

The harvest is rich, but the workers are few

Jacob spends a long night wrestling with God and shows up with a new name (Israel) and a dislocated hip. Problematic hips and sleepless nights are not uncommon, especially in old age. Doctor appointments can be frequent. We might then find solace in the stories of Jesus serving the sick rather than engaging in a hip-injured battle. These “sheep without a shepherd” experience the strength of Jesus’ compassion. He heals the descendants of Israel and many others: the crowd that came to him, the sick and the possessed. Like the old and the infirm in today’s society, these people are neither worthless nor hopeless. Jesus sees a rich harvest in them. There is hope, but there are few workers. As Jesus led his twelve apostles into the ministry, we may seek inspiration to help those in need of better caring. Perhaps by chatting with an elderly relative and having a cup of coffee or advocating better service in the elderly. Through Jesus’ healing example, may we promote the other’s fertility.

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