Wednesday 15 September 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Our Lady of Sorrows

1 Timothy 3: 14-16. How great are the works of the Lord! – Psalm 110 (111): 1-6. Luke 7: 31-35.

A sword will pierce your own soul too

We look around our world through our many means of communication, and indeed there are many things that worry us. In moments of soft or loud screams of pain, we discover in our neighbors that there is much that worries us. Mary knows how we feel and is close to us in all of our grief. Our grief combines with the grief in their own lives as we all experience the rise and fall of many around us. It teaches us both compassion (suffering with) and comfort (with standing strong). Together we direct our gaze to the cross of Jesus, which is our eternal sign of love and hope. And together we learn to pray the words of the Psalm: ‘I will thank the Lord with all my heart … The Lord is compassion and love.’

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