Wednesday 23 June 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Paulinus of Nola

Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18. The Lord forever remembers his covenant – Ps 104 (105): 1-4, 6-9. Matthew 7: 15-20.

Beware of false prophets

Alex: Jesus, why did you worry about false prophets? They are so obviously fakes. Everyone would surely have preferred your teaching. You were real

Jesus: Thank you, Alex. However, you might overestimate people. You are always looking for a simple way of life. These scammers rely on the theft in people’s blood to sell their snake oil. They smile at people as they rip them off. And they really are cheating on God.

Alex: So you are different, Jesus?

Jesus: Judge for yourself, Alex. Check out what happens when I’m with people. I do not flatter them. I am talking directly. I’m not trying to be smart, I just speak God’s word and take them seriously as people. I’m a channel to God – just look at people’s faces when I’m with them. You become free and joyful and healed in body and heart. I love her as my father loves her.

Alex: Thank you, Jesus. I can see that. Can I stay with you for a while and watch you live?

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