Wednesday 29 September 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Ss Michael, Gabriel & Raphael

Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14. I will sing your praises before the eyes of the angels, Lord – Psalm 137 (138): 1-5. John 1: 47-51.

Bless the Lord, all of you his angels

Alleluia, alleluia!
Bless the Lord, all his angels,
his ministers doing his will.

Today’s readings have such amazing images – God’s archangels defeating Satan’s dragons and snakes – and defending the kingdom of God. A little girl I knew went to heaven last year and she was able to name 73 angels who gave her incredible comfort as she passed through the last days of her life. This in turn gave comfort to their parents, family, friends, and the community. Who are our angels, with us on earth, with those in heaven? How are we angels, servants of God’s will in our community? The images of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael protecting God’s love by defeating hatred – we need many such angels in our place today, we can be these angels who bring forth the kingdom of God.

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