Zacks: Analysts Expect Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPR) to Post -$0.66 Earnings Per Share

Brokers estimate Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) will post earnings per share (EPS) ($ 0.66) for the current quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Four analysts have given estimates of Spirit AeroSystems’s profits. The lowest EPS estimate is ($ 0.75) and the highest is ($ 0.57). Spirit AeroSystems reported earnings of ($ 2.28) per share for the year-ago quarter, indicating a positive year-over-year growth rate of 71.1%. The company is expected to announce its next earnings results before the market opens on Wednesday, August 4th.

On average, analysts expect Spirit AeroSystems to post full year earnings of ($ 2.63) per share for the current fiscal year, with EPS estimates ranging between ($ 2.95 and $ 2.17). For the next fiscal year, analysts expect the company to post earnings of $ 0.05 per share, with EPS estimates ranging between ($ 1.00) and $ 0.80. Zacks’ average earnings per share is an average based on a survey of research analysts covering Spirit AeroSystems.

Spirit AeroSystems (NYSE: SPR) last announced its quarterly results on Tuesday, May 4th. The aerospace company reported ($ 1.22) EPS for the quarter, missing Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of ($ 0.86) by ($ 0.36). Spirit AeroSystems had a negative return on equity of 64.00% and a negative net margin of 27.23%. The company had revenue of $ 901.00 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $ 883.40 million. In the same quarter last year, the company posted ($ 0.79) EPS. The company’s revenue for the quarter decreased 16.3% compared to the same quarter last year.

SPR has been the subject of several new analyst reports. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Spirit AeroSystems’ shares from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating and in a report on Thursday set a price target of $ 47.00 for the company. Cowen raised his price target for Spirit AeroSystems shares from USD 60.00 to USD 70.00 and rated the shares as “outperform” in a report on Tuesday, June 22nd. Finally, Credit Suisse Group raised its price target for Spirit AeroSystems shares from USD 50.00 to USD 51.00 and rated the shares as “outperform” in a report on Thursday, May 6th. Four analysts have given the company a hold rating and ten have given it a buy rating. The company currently has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of $ 47.71.


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SPR shares fell $ 1.20 during Friday’s midday trading to hit $ 43.26. 18,175 shares in the company were exchanged compared to an average volume of 2,321,422 shares. The company has a current metric of 2.68, a quick ratio of 1.74 and debt of 5.09. The company’s fifty-day simple moving average is $ 47.29. The company has a market cap of $ 4.56 billion, a P / E of -5.12, and a beta of 2.10. Spirit AeroSystems has a twelve month low of $ 17.26 and a twelve month high of $ 53.63.

The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, October 4th. Shareholders of record on Monday, September 13th, will receive a dividend of $ 0.01 per share. This equates to an annual dividend of $ 0.04 and a dividend yield of 0.09%. The ex-dividend date is Friday, September 10th. The payout ratio of Spirit AeroSystems is -0.70%.

Large investors recently increased or reduced their stake in the company. Rocky Mountain Advisers LLC increased its stake in Spirit AeroSystems by 1,141.3% in the first quarter. Rocky Mountain Advisers LLC now owns 571 shares of the aerospace company valued at $ 28,000 after purchasing an additional 525 shares during the reporting period. Wealthcare Advisory Partners LLC acquired a new stake in Spirit AeroSystems worth approximately $ 35,000 in the first quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors acquired a new stake in Spirit AeroSystems worth approximately $ 54,000 in the first quarter. Fifth Third Bancorp increased its position in Spirit AeroSystems stocks 119.4% in the first quarter. Fifth Third Bancorp now owns 1,433 shares of the aerospace company valued at $ 70,000 after buying an additional 780 shares last quarter. Finally, Signaturefd LLC increased its position in Spirit AeroSystems shares by 125.8% in the first quarter. Signaturefd LLC now owns 3,191 shares in the aerospace company valued at $ 155,000 after purchasing an additional 1,778 shares last quarter. 75.61% of the shares are owned by institutional investors.

Spirit AeroSystems company profile

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. designs and manufactures commercial aircraft structures worldwide. It operates in three segments: fuselage systems, propulsion systems and wing systems. The Fuselage Systems segment develops, produces and markets front, middle and rear fuselage sections and systems primarily for aircraft manufacturers (OEMs); and other structural components of the fuselage, such as floor beams.

Further reading: Secondary public offers

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Earnings history and estimates for Spirit AeroSystems (NYSE: SPR)

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