5 Prayers for Afghanistan in 2021

After the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, many thoughts cross your mind. The world is nervous and afraid of what this could mean or lead to. But nobody is more fearful than those who are currently stuck in the troubled country and cannot get out. Those who converted from Islam to Christianity in Afghanistan must fear persecution and even death by the Taliban.

The people of Afghanistan need our prayers now. But in addition to them, we must raise prayers for our valiant troops, leaders, and missionaries who are also facing this fear directly. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we can pray for members of the Taliban that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts.

Here are 5 prayers to guide you as you pray and pick up Afghanistan:

A prayer for the Afghan people

Lord, we raise the Afghan people to you now. We pray that you will hold onto them and help them get through this terrible time. Protect them under your wing and help them feel the comfort and peace that only comes from your strong presence.

So many people who have called this place home have been displaced as a result of this event. Remind them, Lord, that their true home is with you in heaven. Give those who believe in you the courage to stand strong in their belief and be a strong witness for you. Be with those who do not believe in you too – help them see peace in your followers and allow the Holy Spirit to move in their hearts as they testify.

So do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be frightened, because I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold you with my just right hand. “All who rage against you will be ashamed and dishonored; those who oppose you will be like nothing and die. If you look for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who make war on you will be like nothing. (Isaiah 41: 10-12)

A prayer for the troops and their loved ones

Lord, we are picking up the military forces that are in or being stationed in Afghanistan. Protect them while they give up their safety to protect us. Thank you for living in a free country where the choice can be made to fight for that freedom. Thank you for every single person who has devoted their own life to protecting this nation and people and the people of other nations. Help them evacuate people safely and be a source of hope for those who feel trapped and scared. We thank them for their sacrifice – a sacrifice you are so familiar with.

Almost everyone knows someone or has a loved one in the military, and so many are afraid that their loved ones will be deployed right now. Cover each with an all-encompassing peace knowing that you will lead each of us to your ultimate victory. Comfort any veteran, family member, friend, and loved one who is feeling anxious or uncomfortable right now.

No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the inheritance of the Lord’s servants, and this is their justification from me, ”proclaims the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17)

A prayer for the leaders

Lord, we exalt our leaders at home and abroad charged with making difficult and quick decisions. Give them the clarity to approach each decision with wisdom and care. We know that being a leader in this situation would be no easy task – give us understanding and patience for your decisions, even if we may not agree with them.

Each leader has been promoted to his position for a reason, and we pray that you will guide them to choose the best for the troops who help as well as the citizens who seek help. Give our leaders the humility and knowledge to negotiate and consider. Help them ultimately seek guidance from you and allow the Holy Ghost to lead them to pray about each decision made.

If any of you are lacking in wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1: 5)

A prayer for missionaries and missionaries from other countries

Lord, we pray for the missionaries as well as those who are visiting Afghanistan. We thank you for the brave men and women who leave their comfortable homes here to serve in other lands and to serve lost people. There is always a small risk doing something outside of your comfort zone, but these missionaries face those risks to help advance the gospel.

We pray that not only will you protect her, but that through her you will do amazing things in the midst of these things. Help them be a light in the dark to you – to spread your comfort, peace and security to those who are afraid. Let her testimony spread to everyone around her. And if need be, give them the courage and strength to defend your name under persecution.

The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear him and he sets them free. Taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is he who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. (Psalm 34: 7-9)

A prayer for the Taliban

Lord, even if it doesn’t make sense to our earthly selves, you call us to pray for the persecutors (Matthew 5:44). We raise the Taliban to you today. We pray that your Holy Spirit will work within them and soften their hearts.

Only you really know their hearts, Lord. Just as we are your children, help us remember that they are your children too and that you love them very much. Help us desire the restoration of their hearts and welcome them with open arms into the family of Christ as their hearts change. You alone can work in their hearts and minds, and we pray that through this process we will experience transformation and revival. Let us keep lifting them up in love for you, knowing that you have come to save each and every one of us.

“They heard it said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. (Matthew 5: 43-44)

We know that God is ultimately sovereign over all things. No matter what wars are waged, won or lost here on earth, God will win in the end. It is so difficult for us to see this reality while we are going through fearful and uncertain events. But by keeping our gaze on God and bringing our fears and desires to Him, we can truly know that He is in control.

Raise these prayers today for God’s protection above the Afghan people, troops and leaders. Also pray that God will transform the hearts of the Taliban so that they may see his love and glory and choose peace. There is nothing more powerful or important that we as believers can do now than pray. Use these prayers as a starting point to lift up Afghanistan and everyone affected by the takeover.

Photo credit: © Getty Images / Belyay

Tiffany Curtis is the Faith Editor for Crosswalk.com. She holds a BA in English with a minor in Business from Liberty University. She was an editor and social media manager for a published Christian author. Her goal is through her writing to share the love of Christ and to help others grow in their faith.

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