Friday 16 July 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Day of repentance

Exodus 11:10 – 12:14. I take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord – Ps 115 (116): 12-13, 15-18. Matthew 12: 1-8.

The Son of Man is Master of the Sabbath

A golden, sunlit harvest
the gentleman among his friends,
Chewed and divided grain,
a dream of rest with God as your host.

A line of black-clad men watching
with narrowed eyes and hearts
Watch, run to denounce
this violation of the Sabbath law.

You call us, Lord, with an open heart
to rest with you in free joy
in such a beautiful, fertile world.
You are our Sabbath Lord.

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