Mercury retrograde in Libra: Venus Shifts and a Meeting with Mars

Each Mercury is unique, although there are some themes that are common to every Mercury retrograde. If you want to revisit some of my previous posts on Mercury retro pop here, here, and here.

I want to explore some of the unique features of the present retrograde Mercury in Libra, and to do that I will start with the planet Venus.

The important things first. Mercury will be retrograde from September 27th – October 18th, during this time back from 25 scales to 10 scales. In the monthly astrology guide, I talk a lot about Mercury retrograde for members. Not a member? Here you can sign up!

Mercury retrograde, Libra and your horoscope

Mercury’s retrograde shifts through the zodiac, illuminating different signs – or different parts of a sign – each time. The sign that Mercury will be retrograde plays a role in describing the types of subjects and subjects that can be reviewed and explored for itself during Mercury retrograde.

In Libra, Mercury retrograde can highlight topics like fairness, justice, and equality, along with matters related to all types of relationships, and particularly how you communicate your needs and wants in your various partnerships (this includes both work and family Relationships as well as romantic relationships). Ones).

A simple but important way to personalize how Mercury retrograde might affect you is to identify the subjects of the house on your chart where Mercury will be retrograde. For September and October 2021 these are the themes of the house in which you have Libra on the hump. (Note – this will be a particularly active part of your horoscope and life as early as September and October 2021 due to Mars in Libra, which I am writing about here.)

While Mercury is retrograde in Libra, it is influenced by Venus, the leading or ruling planet of Libra. This creates two distinctly different segments from this retrograde Mercury. There is the period from September 27th to October 7th when Mercury is retrograde with Venus in Scorpio. And then there’s the October 7-18 period when Mercury is retrograde and Venus is in Sagittarius.

So we have:

  • September 27th – October 7th Mercury Retro + Venus in Scorpio
  • October 7-18, Mercury Retro + Venus in Sagittarius

Retrograde Mercury and Venus in Scorpio: reflection, looking back, going in

This is possibly the most complex or uncomfortable part of this retrograde Mercury. Venus in Scorpio is noxious and has less support to offer Mercury, so Mercury must try its best to manage details, decisions, and interactions while lacking helpful insights or resources.

During this first part of Mercury retrograde, you may be especially thoughtful, thoughtful, private, and protective. Perhaps you are thinking about events or a conversation from the past. You may find that your mind spins as you think about how you felt from a past experience or encounter. You might gain clarity about a betrayal, a broken trust, or a time when someone has not shown you the loyalty you expected. You might finally be able to express some difficult feelings, perhaps related to being powerless or feeling ineffective.

These upsetting, stewing, and brooding properties can help you see the past in a new light or bring missing or missing information to the surface. A new understanding of your own intentions or someone else’s true motivation may arise. This is likely cathartic, possibly healing, and definitely the most introspective section of Mercury retrograde. It can be more difficult to speak out loud or in public about what you are processing. Scorpio, like all watermarks, is labeled mute, so that internal reflections, such as writing or intimate conversations, are emphasized.

Mercury Retrograde and Venus in Sagittarius: Movement and Expression

Chances are you’ll notice a noticeable shift or change as Venus moves into Sagittarius. Perhaps you are ready to act or share what you’ve recently uncovered or learned. The desire to express a truth or to speak up for yourself or others who have been mistreated can grow stronger. Sagittarius is a half-voiced sign, and saying things out loud that were on your heart can get easier once Venus moves into Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a changeable sign of movement, and decisions, events or conversations that stalled, got stuck, or stood on the water can now gain momentum or be reactivated. Venus moving into Sagittarius releases you from some kind of restriction and you too can express your opinion more freely, express your truth or talk about your ideas. What is stuck starts to move and change shape and form and it can be easier to look to the future or to discuss how things can change and grow.

Retrograde Mercury and the Sun: Insight and Steps to Clarity

Venus will move into Sagittarius just two days before retrograde Mercury, which conjuncts the Sun, which is the center of Mercury’s retrograde journey.

Mercury retrograde will be in conjunction with the sun on Sunday, October 9th, and this always indicates a shift in the experience and quality of Mercury retrograde. Starting with the conjunction with the Sun, Mercury retrograde can take a small step or two to unravel a chaotic situation. You may learn why something stalled and you can now take steps to correct any delay, such as:

The combination of Mercury retrograde sign change (Venus in Sagittarius) and Mercury retrograde transitioning conjunction with the Sun would normally indicate a big improvement for this cycle. And it does – however, there may be a brief delay in experiencing or feeling these changes and that is due to two things.

Mercury retrograde conjunction Mars: disruption, disorder, and dealing with damage

First, retrograde Mercury will also connect to Mars in Libra on October 9th, and Venus in Sagittarius will hit the South Node on October 10th (more on this in a future post). This means that it can take until October 11th for some of the classic retarding, review, and review themes of Mercury retrograde to move into their more productive, useful, and progressive iterations.

Mercury retrograde encounter with Mars has a quality of damage, disruption, and disorder. Mercury retrograde does not always interact with Mars, so this is a unique feature of the current Mercury retrograde.

During this time (October 9th plus or minus 24 hours) a disruption or an outbreak may occur. This may mean you have to drive a delay or something like a detour. Frustration or anger can become so irritating that you need to say something or take action.

Mars can bring heat, and heat indicates a situation that requires careful handling, just as you would be extra careful when handling something that is actually hot or on fire. I hear the parents’ voice inside saying, “Be careful!” and ‘Make sure you have protective equipment’. This could be helpful advice to that particularly hot and excited Mercury who is retrograde with Martian Day.

Like all things, this fiery, pungent quality of Mars will do its thing, and then it will pass. The heat will subside. After that, you are asked to move forward, maybe a little scorched, but certainly more clear, both about something that is important to you and about something that is really important to another person.

Which house will retrograde Mercury activate in your horoscope? How have you experienced that so far?

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