The real secret behind manifesting the heart’s desires happens through this pattern:

  1. Listen to the heart.
  2. Think or speak a confirmation of a desire.
  3. Have gratitude.
  4. Have faith.
  5. Accept what is happening at the current moment non-judgmentally.
  6. Produce good Karma.

The 1st step is to use the heart as the primary mind that is used in your day to day life. Kids use their heart first, gut brain 2nd & head brain last. Our school system alters that by teaching the kids to use their brain 1st although the brain is the least efficient mind in the body. The most efficient mind is the heart as the heart is always true. Therefore step 1 is moving from thinking with the brain to the heart.

The ego system stems from the left brain. The only possible way to think is either through the ego or through the heart or gut. Ego is competitive & will convince you that thinking with the head brain is superior or that you have to do it to survive but this is not true. Just jump into thinking from the heart.

The heart brain is full of desires; very rich desires. These desires are typically ignored as foolish pipe dreams by most but that is where many make their mistake. Instead, listen to these desires by listening to your heart. The heart is a channel system that leads to the intuition center & the intuition center is connected to a much higher system which is life itself or God. Life is a complex, interconnected system with God as the centerpiece as all of it & so this must be mentioned to explain how this works.

Practice makes perfect. Thinking from the heart can quickly become second nature. It is  a lot less stressful than thinking thoughts. If any thought arise, the idea is to let them fly upward out of the head nest like birds. Don’t suppress them or freeze them. Let them float up & away. Just pay no attention to them. Pay attention only to the heart. The more inward people go, the higher advantage they have. Thinking from the heart is going inward & upward to higher ground.

Next, we have to listen to the heart. What is the hearts true desire? Some people wants abundance. Some people want love. Some people want peace. Some people want rest. Some people want fun. Acknowledge each of these desires as they appear.

“I am” are the 2 most powerful words in existence for manifestation. As each desire pops up, make a confirmation statement that you are or have what you desire NOW. Now is always the key. “I am” is a statement in the now. “I want” is a statement in the future. Avoid statements in the future like “I want” & focus on statement in the now like “I am”.

Now the idea is to make a confirmation based on a desire. Let’s say the desire is abundance. Make this statement either through thought or even better through both thought & word. “I am abundant NOW”. The desire itself is a prayer & the confirmation is answer to that prayer. Worries are also prayers so worrying has to go lest people want to manifest their own worries. Many bad things that exist in people’s lives are a manifestation of those worries. This has to change but sadly most people don’t realize fear/worry attracts that which is feared or worried about. Both desire & fear do this but the idea is to wholly focus on desire & avoid fear. It takes practice but practice makes perfect.

All that has to happen is people sit around focusing on their heart all day. Every time a desire pops up, acknowledge it & state that you already are or have that with as much detail as possible. If the heart desires to have fun, say “I am fun now” or “I am having fun now”. The key is to always state it in the “now” because all that exists is the now.

The next step is be grateful to God for whatever you stated in your confirmation. Gratitude multiplies blessing & thanking God before something even happens is a powerful manifestation technique. This part is very easy. If someone desires fun, they just say “I am fun now”. “Thank God for this”. It’s very simple really. Thanking God for all positive desires further empowers them to be manifested.

The next step is to have faith that whatever you manifested will happen. This part may be tough for some but faith is important & practicing faith empowers it. A whole article can be written on how faith works alone but know that faith is the cost of the manifestation. Doubt undermines faith. Faith is the delivery mechanism. If Faith is strong, then the manifestation is further empowered to become a reality. There is no excuse not to have faith. Feeling unworthy to have good things is not an excuse. After gratitude is made for a confirmation, hold faith that a desire will manifest & then continue focusing on your next heart’s desire.

There’s a very complex metaphysical process happening below the surface that manifests these desires or fear depending on what a person is doing but it’s really not worth going through it as that deserves another long post. Just know that we aren’t our body but a mind & a spirit beneath the body. The body & all that we see in 3D are manifested thoughts that we manifested sometime ago. The things we don’t like to see now are negative manifestations manifested through fear. If we don’t see much good, it means we did not manifest positive things in the past. Since most people don’t know how manifestation works, many end up having a lot of problems in life & no idea why that is happening to them.

Note: Anything manifested now may appear anytime between a second to months in the future depending on how much the universe needs to rearrange itself it align with your manifestation.

By looking at one’s own reality now, accept that this reality was manifested by you & you only. It is hard to believe but it’s true. The self is the lord over reality; not the other way around. The mind is a projector & it is projecting what was created from within through desire or fear. Therefore it is best to look at what is currently happening very non-judgmentally & believe that you created the experience from God given powers that lie within. Accept it. It was made. It is being experienced. Just accept it however consider if you can manifest an even better reality in the future. What is missing? What is your desire at the moment? Focus on that desire & follow the steps to manifest it starting by making a confirmation in the now. Do you feel tired? Then say “I am resting now” & continue following the rest of the steps. Do this over & over all day long. Stay away from the brain unless it is absolutely necessary to think. Just focus on the heart. The gut brain is the 2nd most important mind & the head brain is 3rd most important mind. They can all be used as needed but the 1st focus should be the heart.

Accept the current reality without judgement. See it as a manifestation of your mind & try to manifest something even better. The way your reality is treated by you creates Karma. All good thoughts, words & deeds towards one’s own reality produces good Karma. All bad thoughts, words, & deeds towards one’s own reality produces bad Karma. You reap what you sow. Anything you do to your reality, you yourself will experience by some random source in the future. If you wish anyone anything bad, the you will experience the bad that you wished on them. Vice versa for good. It’s best not to judge at all or even desire something different than what one sees. Just accept the current reality & see the Oneness of creation & how it is all interconnected to self. Good Karma simply puts people into a better future timeline.

Our school system teaches us to think & think nonstop but this thinking isn’t even helping & it’s very stressful. Not thinking is the definition of meditation & meditation literally makes people smarter & heals the head brain so not thinking leads to a better life overall. Our television & media is full of fear based images & sounds. The media is fear mongering the masses & these terrifying images end up being felt within the self & many of them end up being manifested depending on how powerfully they are felt. Recall that fear is also a prayer to manifest that which is feared. It is very advisable to stay away from media. The internet is a better place as one can focus only on positive material. Negative media is pure poison to the manifestation system & manifest ugly realities. It is best to keep the TV & radio off.

The mind is producing consciousness. Your own thoughts flow forward & turn into undetectable energy which then turns into detectable energy. That energy becomes your reality. Mind projects consciousness. Your fellow beings are real but they are part of the platform that creates your reality meaning as your manifestations are made using the steps in this article, they are registered with other beings who then assist in manifesting your desire or fear. It works like a match system below the surface.

The problem has never been that humanity is weak. The problem has always been that humanity has been ignorant of its own power over life. Mind controls life. Life doesn’t control mind & yet life itself is a mind too.

Do these steps daily & all day long to reap the benefits of manifesting one’s own desire. Practice makes perfect.


  1. Listen to the heart.
  2. Think or speak a confirmation of a desire.
  3. Have gratitude.
  4. Have faith.
  5. Accept what is happening at the current moment non-judgmentally.
  6. Produce good Karma.

2 thoughts on “PRAYING”

  1. Love , Peace of mind & being able to heart of voice as I feel his presents . looking for more help to be stable mainds not scatter .


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