Beholding the Moment – Ignatian Spirituality

I read through essays my students submitted in response to the assignment of spending an hour outdoors, undisturbed by phones or to-do lists. They write about the vortex of stimuli that rush through their over-busy minds. You write about memories that have surfaced: of times at home with parents, grandparents or siblings, playing on the … Read more

Ascension | Film Review | Spirituality & Practice

This 96-minute documentary provides a multi-dimensional overview of China’s special kind of capitalism, consumerism and economic growth since 1978. In three well-structured sections, the director Jessica Kingdon covers the levels of the capitalist structure: from factory workers to aspiring middle and class entrepreneurs, to the newly wealthy elites and those who serve them. She begins … Read more

Honoring Everyone and Every Thing | Short & Sweet Spirituality

Honor everyone and everything Catholic wisdom Spiritual sensitivity increases when we know how to see, touch, and taste the physical world with exquisite awe and contemplative discipline.—Tessa Bielecki in Holy Daring Native American wisdom Isn’t it time to put the elders back in the middle of the village?– Joseph M. Marshall on a walk with … Read more

Together | Film Review | Spirituality & Practice

Together is a bold, sobering and addicting drama that begins March 24, 2020, the first night of lockdown in London during the COVID-19 pandemic. It ends the following March, when England’s vaccination program appears to have stopped the spread of the virus and the city reopens. The main characters are referred to as He (James … Read more