The Path to Self-Mastery | Guided Meditation Online

From time to time we stop to admire people who are strong personalities and seem to live with absolute clarity. They are clear about what they want, are experts in their field, have great self-discipline, and most importantly, they seem to be a magnet for many followers. And some of them seem extremely spiritual too.

There is a path to this kind of self-control in our lives and it is achievable.

In our spiritual subtle energy system of chakras and energy channels, a circular region in the abdominal cavity is called the void region. Usually everyone knows and speaks about the seven chakras, but the void region is an integral part of the subtle energy system and is just as important as any chakra.

The name “void” represents the ocean of illusion or unenlightened consciousness (void) within us. In reality, our attention is still unenlightened until we receive our Kundalini energy awakening and realize our inner spiritual selves. This means that although we have access to our physical, cognitive and emotional abilities, our spiritual system is not yet active and we cannot experience it either.

In your first session, during Sahaja’s self-realization process, the emptiness is traversed by the ascending Kundalini energy, which is a great leap or transition into spiritual awakening and enlightened awareness. It is almost as if we turned a corner and made a significant next step in our evolution by crossing that void or the void region. The void region is also seen as a bridge between the unenlightened and enlightened states that must be crossed in order to enter the latter.

Thereafter, the Void region, together with the Nabhi and Swadisthan chakras, form an integrated spiritual energy group that determines the course of our evolution – from our creation to our ultimate spiritual journey.

Benefits of a strong void region

From the void we are given the power to become self-masters and ultimately develop into gurus or teachers who can then give guidance and enlightenment to others. We become self-regulating, responsible, disciplined and self-sufficient. The void region enables us to take control of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors and to ascend to ever greater heights of spiritual evolution. We become self-regulating, responsible, disciplined and self-sufficient. The knowledge of the ultimate – spirituality, the divine and our place in the universe – becomes intuitively accessible to us. Over time, we develop a kind of gravitas that forces others to seek our advice.

The void allows us to develop an unwavering sense of self or spirit even when the people and events around us are in flux. Our character and temperament are turned more inward, instead of being dominated by cultural or social pressures or the opinions or interference of others. We do not cling to the collective fears, beliefs and laws of the masses. We live by our own standards and self-expectations rather than obsessing over whether others approve of our actions. We learn to trust our judgment, experience and personal standards, and we are not afraid to stand up for our principles. And we take responsibility for our continuous growth and development.

Since we now have an internal control point, we become self-regulating, i.e. ultimately self-determined. Self-determined people know how to capitalize on their self-knowledge. Emotional self-regulation includes self-monitoring (awareness of our actions) and accurate self-assessment (assessing the acceptability of our actions). Self-regulation is the key feature of the discipline. We have the ability to control destructive impulses, visualize the consequences, and delay instant gratification in order to achieve our more important long-term spiritual goals.

Nourishing the void area improves our perspective taking skills. We can develop a persistent ability to assimilate and examine all possible viewpoints, which will help us develop more developed perspectives, make smarter decisions, and pass that expertise on to others. Taking on perspectives enables us to answer important questions about the meaning and purpose of life. A good perspective is evidence of emotional maturity and self-regulation. We can develop proportionate, accurate perspectives of people and situations because we can use objective arguments to weigh evidence fairly, rather than jumping to conclusions or simply accepting popular view.

Despite our guru skills, we maintain our humility. We are not trying to improve our own image in the eyes of others. We let our services speak for us and do not see ourselves as “special” than we are.

How to identify and fix problems with your void region

If you lack confidence, self-discipline, and self-control, then this is a sign that your emptiness needs some attention. More serious problems can include addiction to alcohol or sacrifice, or the urge to follow the teachings of any guru who claims to impart spiritual knowledge. If you are a strong guru to yourself, you can see through these fake gurus who are half-baked and insufficiently knowledgeable, or just there to take your money.

The people with weak void regions, on the other hand, continue to crave and submit to almost anyone who offers seemingly great advice that speaks mentally, emotionally, or promises a cure for all of their problems. They will continue to look for support and something or someone to lean on without realizing that this power of self-reliance and rightness resides in them and in this void region.

In fact, those with the strongest void region are the leaders and true gurus, those without those who almost always follow or are overly submissive to themselves.

The practice of Sahaja meditation not only helps you to take this crucial step to cross this bridge of the void region, but also strengthens this region and gives you responsibility for yourself and your spiritual self-improvement. Regular meditation, especially collective meditation (no, collective meditation is not considered an addiction that will cause you to lose your independence!), Is critical to building the essence of self-control and becoming a guru.

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