How meditation influences your brain and nervous system – Guided Meditation Online

Most of the people who visit Sahaja are there for deep spiritual benefits. But every now and then it’s great to know that a powerful form of meditation like Sahaja has several scientifically proven benefits and to understand the intricacies of meditation within us. One such fascinating area is the influence of meditation on our … Read more

Problem Solving using meditation – Guided Meditation Online

Last Sunday we started a new series on solving problems in our lives using meditation as a tool. The lives of meditators who pursue spirituality are different in some ways. We consider spirituality and higher destiny to be the center of our lives and guide us every step of the way. More importantly, the patience, … Read more

Things your attention needs to avoid | Guided Meditation Online

In Sahaja we talk regularly about the power of our attention and how important and central it is for our meditation practice. If you’re new to Sahaja, here is the result. The rising Kundalini energy raises our attention to a higher level of consciousness. All of the far-reaching and amazing benefits of meditation result from … Read more

The most important success factor behind meditation | Guided Meditation Online

Our attention is the vehicle of our consciousness. It represents and manifests the states of our consciousness. These states include deep sleep, waking, regular existence and the higher state of consciousness that we reach during Sahaja meditation. In this higher state, we perceive the spiritual realm of the universe by connecting our spiritual being with … Read more

Meditation – far beyond relaxation | Guided Meditation Online

While spirituality is the strength and sweet spot of Sahaja meditation and we talk about it a lot, the benefits of Sahaja meditation go far beyond mere stress relief or relaxation. For many, meditation may also be a vague technique for finding peace and tranquility. Not for those who practice sahaja. Today we would like … Read more

Meditation helps Corporates develop a social conscience | Guided Meditation Online

2020 was a big wake-up call for our society worldwide. Among so many issues and issues that have attracted global attention, some of the most important health risks are due to the pandemic, racial inequality and climate change. Suffice it to say that the need and rise in social consciousness has gone through the roof … Read more

The Nabhi chakra: evolutionary excellence | Guided Meditation Online

The purpose of our life is to evolve into better states of spiritual existence. But what does that really mean? Fortunately, the teachings of Sahaja make this crystal clear and offer a definite path and approach to spiritual self-improvement. The short answer is that we should gradually, but surely, improve our personality traits against an … Read more

How Meditation Improves Self-Esteem | Guided Meditation Online

Unser Glück und unsere emotionale Stabilität hängen von unserer Fähigkeit ab, uns selbst zu lieben. Diese Selbstliebe wird Selbstwertgefühl genannt. Das Selbstwertgefühl wirkt sich auf subtile Weise auf uns aus, diktiert unsere Entscheidungen und prägt unser Weltbild. Es liegt im Herzen vieler unserer Probleme im Leben, aber weil wir uns unserer impliziten Selbsteinschätzungen möglicherweise nicht … Read more