Thursday 28 October 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Ss Simon and Jude

Ephesians 2: 19-22. Her message goes all over the earth – Psalm 18 (19): 2-5. Luke 6: 12-19.

The spirit is the spirit of the children of God

Thank you Father for the wonderful gift of the Spirit in our lives. It is only through this grace that we are drawn towards you on the way. All of our hopes and dreams, all of our striving are part of a deeper cry. Abba, father, all we need is to be a child before you. We need to know that we are dependent and needy and that we have nothing to give but our own hearts.

Like the child who can say that the emperor has no clothes, help us see and tell the truth, be true to ourselves and others. We can rationalize away so much injustice. Help us accept our limits and responsibilities so we can help loosen the fetters of falsehood and injustice wherever we find them.

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