what is a synchronicity? | moon crystal manifestation

Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of 2 events linked by meaning. So what is the spiritual meaning of synchronicity? It is the way of the universe to communicate with us and to connect with us.

What does synchronicity mean?

Synchronicities can seem like a coincidence. For example, you can turn on the radio and play the song you were singing in your head, or you might think of a friend and then suddenly you call. Spiritually there is no such thing as coincidence. In general, synchronicity is the universe’s way of letting you know it has your back.

This communication is intended to show us that the path we are going is the right path for us at this point in time, a gentle nudge in the right direction. Synchronicities can discourage us from going in the wrong direction, which would harm us and not support our growth or life path. You will find yourself starting to notice these signs from the universe at times when you need to make decisions or change.

Once you notice these signs, they will become more and more common in your life. Always take a moment to think about what is happening in your life when you see these signs in order to decipher what message the universe is trying to lead you through.

Synchronicities can appear as symbols or patterns. This can be done through dreams. Start a journal to take notes about your dreams and any symbols, patterns of animals or people that may appear in them. It is always best to record your dreams as soon as you wake up and try not to move your body too much because the more awake you get, the more your dream will fade from memory.

More often, synchronicities are shown as repeated sequences of numbers. Repeating numbers are also known as “angel numbers”.

If you notice repetitive numbers popping up in your life, write them down. This could be that you happen to look at the time and it is 11.11 a.m. and later 1:11 p.m. on the same day and then you may notice that you look at this exact sequence of numbers every day. It could appear on car license plates, door numbers, or in phone numbers. These repeating numbers are the universe’s way to grab your attention and connect with you, to guide you or to deliver a message.

Let’s take a look at some of the more common repeating sequences of numbers and their meanings.

What is the number 1111? The appearing of 1111 is quite common the first time you start noticing repetitive numbers. These numbers show up in patterns and are the universe’s way of reassuring you that you are exactly where you should be at the exact time. When 1111 shows up in your life, take the time to show gratitude for everything that is in your life. As you know, whatever you put out into the universe comes back to you. This pattern of numbers tells you this message.

What is the number 2222? In numerology, the number 2 means relationships. When seeing numbers 2222 repeatedly, you may need to take the time to focus on the relationships you have with others or even with yourself. They remind you to take care of yourself on a spiritual level by practicing a ritual that you enjoy, such as meditation or crystal work. Notice what happened in your relationships with others. This can be a sign that you are reconnecting with a lost love or that a new love is on the way to you.

What is number 3333? The numbers 3333 in repetition are a reminder that the universe has unconditional love and support for you. Your guides are around you and want you to know that they are protecting you. You can ask questions to your guides when you see the number 3 for any pointers or guidance you might need. Often times, the 3’s are the universe’s way of communicating that you made the right decision.

What is the number 4444? If 4444 shows up repeatedly, it is a sign that you are intensifying your spiritual practices. Perhaps you felt a heightened intuition or stronger energetic vibrations within. This is a great time to get active and learn how to use some divination tools like tarot cards or to connect with the power of the crystals. Trust your sixth sense when you see the numbers 4444.

What is number 5555? The number 5 in repetition indicates that a big change is about to happen in your life. In numerology, number 5 means “carry on”. Let the past rest. This is a time for personal growth and manifestation. Set goals and visualize how they will come true.

What is the number 6666? These repeating numbers are the universe that tells you it’s time for some self-love. Treat yourself, take time for yourself, and be nice to yourself.

What is number 7777? When you see the 7 in repetitive patterns, this is the universe that rewards you for all the hard work you have done. Gifts are on their way to you, happiness is on your side and abundance is flowing.

What is the number 8888? In numerology, 8 stands for business and finance. This is a sign that an energy transition is coming your way, be it financially, emotionally or personally. The universe connects with you to calm you down, stay in the right direction, and get through whatever the obstacles are.

What is the number 9999? Number 9 in numerology represents completion. Synchronicity is designed to remind you to remove any stagnant energy or negativity from your life. It is a time of closing and severing the cord with whatever is holding you back.

What’s the number 0000? The 0, s stand for new beginnings. It is time to set new intentions. You will be reminded that you are agreeing to vibrate at a higher frequency and looking for universal signs of guidance to help you move forward. You will begin to notice more symbols, have visions, and be more responsive to your intuition.

So if someone asks you now what a synchronicity is, you can provide a glimpse into the way these signs come before us in our lives. The universe is always trying to connect with us to let us know that we are loved and supported.

Much love

Crystal weaving

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