what,s the meaning of intuition

Everyone has intuitive skills. The way to develop them is to first understand how they work. Some people are born into families in which intuitive abilities are adopted while others are suppressed or believed to be nonexistent.

Until people access training or information to develop their intuition, their skills remain hidden.

To use our intuition effectively, we need to work to strengthen it. Once you know how to use it, the information you will get will be much clearer. The more you practice, the better you will get and the ability to acquire skills that will last a lifetime.

what does intuition mean

Most of us use intuition more often than we are aware. It is an inner feeling that you may get, a hunch, a knowledge. It is a calm but firm inner voice, a gut feeling that does not come from consciousness. People sometimes refer to intuition as instinct or the sixth sense.

The Latin word instinct means to look inward. This gives us an idea of ​​where intuition arises. The easiest way to develop your intuition is to calm the mind. We all have constant chatter in our heads that can distract us from our intuition. Calming the mind gives us the opportunity to feel the other parts of ourselves that are not sensory.

Pay attention

“The moment you draw attention to something, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awe-inspiring, indescribably great world in itself.” Henry Miller, author

Few people really pay much attention to what is happening around them. Most of the time the mind is so filled with thoughts that we cannot see what is ahead. This is known as not being in the present moment. Often times, thoughts about what to do next or coming to terms with past life events are floating around in your head instead of focusing on the task at hand.

Intuition relies on being fully aware and in the present moment. That way, you can spot the signs that are ahead of you. As you learn to pay attention, you will perceive things with a new appreciation. You will see things that you may not have seen before. Things will start to make more sense. If you pay attention to the details, you will begin to open up your intuitive abilities.


If you pay attention to the world around you, your awareness will expand. You may notice an increasing number of coincidences. These are synchronicities. The psychoanalyst Carl Jung named the term synchronicity for an event that may appear random but has a deeper meaning.

For example, have you ever thought of someone and then suddenly they call you? Or if you have a question on your mind, turn on the TV and the answer will be there immediately. These are examples of synchronicity. Intuition can make itself known through synchronicity.

The two hemispheres of the brain

. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres in the middle, the right and the left.

The left hemisphere is the language center. It gradually absorbs information and uses logic. It deals with sequential thinking and processes data verbally.

The right hemisphere is non-verbal, which means it has no language. It picks up information as a whole and sees the bigger picture. It creates meaning and is the center of creativity and intuition. It sends non-verbal information.

Most people only use the left hemisphere. Research has shown that by using the entire brain and the two hemispheres working together, your mind becomes more awakened, focused, deeper, more powerful, yet more peaceful. By integrating both hemispheres of your brain and allowing them to work in sync, you will experience improvements in overall mental health, cognitive performance, better memory, and better intellectual function.

You will notice a limitless supply of insightful thoughts, with far less anger, anxiety, depression, and fewer bad habits. You become more optimistic and feel “one” with the world.

Sharpen your senses

. When life is busy, you tend to focus on what you need to do tomorrow and what you should have done yesterday instead of focusing on the present moment. When your senses are not fed, they become stale and stagnant, causing you to overlook intuitive signs. Sharpened senses enable you to be more attentive and responsive to the world around you. As you become aware of your surroundings, your intuition becomes stronger.

Exercise to sharpen your senses and strengthen your intuition:

Sit comfortably and relax. Look around with your eyes and choose only one detail from what you can see.

It can be a flower vase, a chair or a picture frame, it doesn’t matter what object it is. Now focus on the detail of the selected object. Notice the color, the size, the texture, the shape, anything that you normally wouldn’t notice, which just goes without saying.

Next, tune in to the sounds around you. Just pick one sound and focus on it. Be it a busy street, the sound of children talking, the radio, whatever you choose, put all your focus on that sound.

Now direct all of your attention to your sense of touch. Reach for an object near you. Touch it with full awareness. Feel its texture, is it warm or cold, soft or hard. Let your hand explore all aspects of how it feels to touch the object to be touched.

Next, sharpen your sense of smell. Pay full attention to the flavors around it. Allow yourself to identify any aroma that you might be able to smell. Take the time to think about these flavors.

Get some food now. Do the same thing as before, taking your time to chew and sample all of the flavors involved.

When you have completed these tasks, sit down quietly and enjoy the simplicity of each of the exercises you just did, but the wonder of all of the information you gleaned from each of your senses.

This exercise really shows you how to begin to focus your attention on the present moment when intuitive skills are being found.

Find your intuitive state

Time when our mind is in an active state. To be intuitive means to take the time to break away from it. There are a number of ways to do this that can be easily incorporated into our daily lives and routines.

1.) Go for a walk or swim and let your body move while your mind relaxes.

2.) Listen to music. Your intuitive skills will easily awaken when you do this as it solves mind conversations.

3. Meditate. Being in a meditative state allows your mind to be still.

4. Practice yoga. Not only does this teach you to calm your mind, but it is also very beneficial to your physical body, making you relaxed, supple and toned.

5.) Allow yourself to daydream. Anything is possible when you daydream and give intuition a chance to show itself.

6.) Spend some time in nature. Take a walk in the forest or in a park and let the beauty of Mother Earth sharpen your senses and relax your mind.

Grow your intuition

Live in the moment. Practice being in the moment as often as you can appreciate everything around you. I always say this sentence to myself

“Yesterday has passed and gone, tomorrow has not yet happened, which only leaves today, now, precisely this minute.”

If you can allow yourself to understand this phrase, then it is very easy to be in the present moment. The present moment is all there is.

Write down any intuitive thought or moment that you recognize. You may notice patterns popping up or symbols showing up.

Practice your skills. Think of a question that you would like an answer to. Let thoughts flow into your consciousness and write them down. During the day, imagine who you might come across or what events might happen. See if any of this happens.

Be more receptive to signs. Pay attention to this and write down any signs or sudden thoughts or feelings that you see throughout the day.

Spend time relaxing. You are most intuitive when you are resting.

Trust your intuitive skills. The more you practice, the more intuitive you become. So start to trust yourself. Make notes to refer to that will show you that your intuition is really working.

Start opening up to your intuitive skills today. If you have any experiences you’d like to share, feel free to leave comments below.

Much love

Crystal weaving

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