Friday 13 August 2021 – Daily Prayer

About today

Ss Pontian and Hippolytus. Day of repentance

Joshua 24: 1-13. His love is eternal – Ps 135 (136): 1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24.Matthew 19: 3-12.

“I gave you a country where you never worked”

Today’s first reading is from the last chapter of Joshua. It lists how the Israelites came to occupy their land through a combination of military conquest or more peaceful infiltration. Then, in the verses following today’s reading, Joshua asks them to renew their covenant with the Lord – to be sincere and faithful servants of the one God. Joshua promised that he and his house would always serve the Lord, but asked people to choose carefully and warned that the Lord would be ill-patient with relapses.

Today I pray to be a sincere servant of the Lord and, as in the psalm, raise my voice in praise of the Lord for his everlasting love.

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