Seeing the spirit world proves life is eternal – Lowell Sun

LOVE BONNIE: I love your column and it gave me insight. I’m trying to find out what kind of gift I have.

Since I was 16, I remember a woman always whispering my name as if she wanted to get my attention. I was scared then and would not answer her and run away. I’m older now and have had many more experiences over the years. There was one case where I was looking in a mirror in our doorway while doing my hair and I saw a woman who looked like 19th century based on her clothes and hairstyle. When I looked directly at her, she disappeared.

In another case, I saw a woman approaching me; She had an eternal white light that glowed from the white clothes she was wearing. I watched her as she entered my mother’s room. At first I thought it was my mom, but I found my mom was sleeping on the couch when I ran into the living room to find out. I quickly realized that I had seen a ghost.

In my family restaurant where I work, I’ve seen shadows go by – even a woman singing a song. I can also see images of past lives when I blink, and the images flicker across my eyes. During the day, I can see a vision of a video or picture. I don’t want to sound crazy, but I would like to have your thoughts on what could happen. I have to find out what it is and what to do with the visions that I see. Thanks very much. – Kate

LOVE KATE: Wow, your story sounds like my childhood. To see clearly into the spirit world and to be able to see ghosts and even past lives is called clairvoyance or clear vision. You have described exactly how some see into the spirit world with clairvoyance. Some mediums watch videos that play like little movies that they watch in their heads and then relay what the person in the spirit world wanted to convey to their client by watching those videos. Some see objects – sometimes one object after the other – and can compose a story from these images.

The story of the white glowing visitor, who you thought was your mother, almost sounds like an experience that I had with myself. When I was young and still living at home, I was lying in bed one night when I saw a woman standing in the door of my bedroom. I started screaming mom, mom, mom, but the lady I thought was my mom didn’t answer. But soon my mother came in and asked me why I was screaming?

When I think back, the figure looked so much like my mother because I realized that it was my grandmother who was mentally watching over me. Your lady could be your grandmother or even a guide or angel. When the spirit world knows that you can see it, the experience begins to happen more and more frequently.

It is really a gift to see the spirit world as it provides evidence that life is eternal and that we are part of the bigger picture. That is why we can sometimes see past lives as well. A great way to get in touch with our past lives and strengthen visions is to do meditations and ask the spirit world to show you what you need to know.

I love my gift of sight and hope that you really use your gift to help yourself and others through this life. Enjoy and hug your gifts of clear sight and clear hearing (like women’s singing) for it is truly a gift. To learn more, find a teacher or mentor who can help you develop your talents. As you learn more about developing your gifts, you will also learn to control when and where they happen.

Bonnie Page is a psychological medium and spiritual life coach. She is the owner of Mystical Magical Marketplace and Messages from Heaven in downtown Winchendon. To ask Bonnie a question for her column, contact her at under the “Ask Bonnie” tab. To book a session, call their office at 978-297-9790.

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